
The rune theme in principle can not be completely simple and understandable, but the most ambiguous attitude to rune-khagalaz. As it is not only called, in which only misfortunes are not blamed! Someone associates it with death, someone considers the Khagalaz-rune of changes and acquisitions. Who is right, now we'll figure it out.

The meaning of rune-hagalaz

Astrologically, the Khagalaz correlates with the sign of Aquarius and the card of the senior arcane "buffoon" and is called "hail". And as for its meaning, then those who call the Khagalaz-rune of change are right, and those that attribute destruction to it. Indeed, the sign says about the spontaneous inevitable changes and destruction, you will not be able to control what is going on, so you should not try.

Despite the apparent simplicity, it is not so easy to realize the value of the Hagalase rune. Many consider the rune to be an exceptionally bad sign, in fact, it is not worthwhile to fear falling out of it in the hands, since destruction is not the main goal here. Hagalaz only removes obstacles, it destroys the old, only to create a new one. In love, runa-hagalaz may mean the end of any period, but here one should not immediately expect a break in relations . Perhaps, this is a signal about the revision of relations. Yes, the process will be connected with problems, quarrels and strong emotional glow, but as a result you will enter a completely new stage for yourself. The main thing is to remember that hagalaz means retribution for all your actions, everything that happens is a consequence of your own actions.

Also, Khagalaz is used to influence any situation. Help formulas of runes, which contain this symbol, you need to look for when you need to radically change something. The rune will help to find a way out (scrapping the habitual way of thinking ), it is able to protect against bad influence (destruction of enemy's plans), but in certain combinations hagalaz can do harm. This will happen either when the formula is compiled in a meaningful way to fix someone's troubles, or if there is an accidental error in the record (violation of the order of symbols, wrong combination), incorrect awareness of the situation (you wanted not to break out of the vicious circle, but destroy everything, even something good that you have). That is why the runners most often do not approve of the placement of any rune on the body - life is changing and what has been good yesterday may be the cause of the greatest misfortunes today. Be careful!