The image for Halloween for a girl

Not far off All Saints Day, the night when the door is knocked with the words "Sweets or death." It's gloomy, a little frightening, but at the same time something all the same bewitching celebration. Before him is less than a month, which means that for the girl it is very important to think about your image for Halloween in details. Everything is important here, everything down to the color of nails and eyeliner. This is the day when you need to be terribly beautiful.

Scary female images for Halloween

Do you want something so unusual, chilling blood in your veins? Well, then you have new images in the box of ideas. To create them, you do not have to run to the first store and buy branded things. It's enough just to dig in boxes that have been sealed long ago and laid in the attic in the far corner. It is possible that it is there that you can find the right thing. Do not worry too much if there are any spots on it, scrapes - in any case, the outfit will have to be poured with fake blood, smear on it someone's brains, more precisely sham cranial insides. In general, you need to create the most realistic image.

So, look # 1 is called without any exaggeration, "Mentally ill." We put on a jumpsuit or an old pajamas in a horizontal strip, we pour it with paints of red and gray color. We transform hair into a tow. For greater horror in one eye, we insert a special lens that changes its color. Do not forget to bring a friend Misha, a teddy bear, who will have to hang around the whole party on a rope tied to the pseudo-mentally ill person's hand.

Look # 2 requires less blood color, but look no less frightening. So, borrow from a friend a red hairpiece, make the lips pale, not forgetting to draw cracks on them. And the main highlight of the image will be blood flowing from the eyes. And to fully reincarnate, throughout the evening do not forget to make a distraught look.

Become a Joker girlfriend for one evening? Easy! And it does not matter if this handsome man is not around. Look # 3 will give the image a mysterious beauty and sexuality. All you need to create it: a huge pink bow, a black wig, the front locks on which we paint in red, a crochet-shirt, which we pour over blood and spectacular make-up.

If the series "Walking Dead" is in your favorite list, then why not become one of those who rose from the dead and thirsts for blood, fresh flesh? Here the main thing is not even clothes, all stained with red spots, but memorable make-up. By the way, special contact lenses will make the image really dreadful.

Perhaps one of the best and rather unusual images for Halloween will be one that most resembles a rebel from the grave. On the head wear an elastic mask and decorate it with a heart-rending make-up. In general, it is important to create an image of a person whose body has already begun to eat worms, more precisely, whose soul has long ago flown away, and the body began to take the earth.

A few more ideas

Of course, the previous reincarnations are very spectacular, but few, which of them give the girl sexuality and femininity, but such images for Halloween as witches, cats, dolls or vampires - so it's generally another matter.

So, to become a cute witch, you do not have to come to a party with a nasty wart on your nose and a broom. Remember Zelena, the heroine of the American TV series Once Upon a Time. She always has elegant outfits and, of course, green skin.

Or the image of a cat? Koshatnitsam he will generally be to taste. Net stockings, stud shoes, tight leather dress, sexy ears and a charming make-up - the image is ready.

To look memorable, it is not necessary to put on the head of a dead pig. It is enough simply to choose something that will become a partial embodiment of the inner world and help to manifest itself from a completely different angle.