Mental health of a person

Combining individual personal skills with innate qualities reflects the person's mental makeup. Thanks to this intertwining of the innate and acquired, each person has his own unique point of view, his thoughts, his personal worldview. All these qualities, through which a person perceives the surrounding reality, constitute his psychological portrait or warehouse.

The mental warehouse can change during a life, t. To. Principles at the person in due course vary or disappear absolutely. For example, most teenagers are ambitious and quick-tempered, but older people are considered calm, emotionally balanced.

If we trace the life of one person, we can note in it the restlessness and insolence in youth, which arises from complexes, hormonal bursts. Then the person's mental frame changes into a monotonous confidence that comes with experience and wisdom. Therefore, it is impossible to ascertain what kind of warehouse a person is, because today he is alone, and after a while, thanks to new circumstances, his psychological portrait is completely different.

Psychological personality warehouse

The warehouse of personality depends on many internal and external qualities. For example, the formation of personality is affected by the material status, it is not without reason that they say "people's money spoils." Many good people, becoming rich, become aggressive and overly powerful.

The psychological portrait of the personality is affected by the physical condition, the proverb "in a healthy body is a healthy spirit" is appropriate here. Sick people are full of fears and sufferings, they have a different perception of the surrounding reality. A sick person can not be aroused by the joy of someone else's wedding or the birth of a child, but he can cry easily from a sad melodrama.

The inner qualities of a person play a huge role in the personality store, so, all people are divided into introverts and extroverts. The first group of individuals are those who like to be alone with their thoughts, they are comfortable alone, cozy in the house when there are no guests. Such an individual's warehouse is characterized by a low sociability with surrounding, closedness.

Extraverts are the exact opposite of introverts. These people need a social society and communication for a full-fledged life, they feel depressed without friends and collective. Doctors even noticed, if extroverts deprive communication, then they develop hypertension or other ailments.

Such innate qualities as character , temperament and personality type "color" a person's mental warehouse for life. And if in a family two children are different by openness, then all the surrounding people are surprised that two brothers are raised in one family, but one of them is the "soul of the company" and the other is "beech". On this example, it is clear that the stability or inertness of mental connections forms the psychological image of the individual.

Moral education, too, makes its own color in the emerging personality . Thus, adolescents from intelligent families often grow up to be good and decent people. But children from disadvantaged families are prone to frequent stress, humiliation, full of envy of the "golden" peers. Subsequently these feelings degenerate into persistent aggression, which is fueled by the crumbling hopes of a good life.

A huge role in the mental image of a person has a mindset, it is divided into male and female. Individuals with a male mindset are distinguished by their quickness of thought, ingenuity, they are easily given such sciences as mathematics and physics. A person with a female intellect warehouse like to speculate, dream, they are strong in philosophy, history and other humanities.

The variety of inherent qualities, the conditions of upbringing, the acquired skills forms a psychological warehouse of personality, that's why each person is unique and unique.