Who are Mormons, what do they believe in and how to become a Mormon?

Among modern religious teachings, there are several areas, representatives of which to this day play a special role in politics and business. Anyone who wants to get to know them better is worth starting with an interest in who the Mormons are and what role they played in the history of mankind.

Mormons - who is this?

Religious culture, created in the first half of the XIX century in the United States by Joseph Smith, was based on the ideas of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but later broke away from them. Mormonism continues to be identified by many scholars as the direction of this Church, but it is possible to distinguish them from the main book, the sacred scripture of a religious offshoot. Mormon is a person who considers the Bible to be the main book of his life, not the Bible, but the Book of Mormon. Together with this, in order to rank himself in the community, he must share the following beliefs:

  1. Call the Church the reincarnation of Christianity in the New Testament times with traditional values.
  2. To seek refuge from the injustice and uncertainty of the world in the texts of the Gospel.
  3. It is clear to see the reality and for ourselves to understand who Mormons are - people who came to earth with a divine destiny.

Mormon Symbol

The ultimate goal of the birth of everyone who refers to this religion is revealed even in symbolism.

  1. The Pyramid . The first sign of Mormons, which can be seen on the seals and drawings of members of secret communities, is a pyramid. It is a powerful symbol of ancient knowledge and magical powers that are not accessible to everyone. The top of the pyramid is directed to the Universe to enable its owner to exchange information with other civilizations .
  2. The Mormon emblem also hints at close ties with the masters of the occult - it looks like a pentagram.

Its image means:

  1. Protective sign. Since the days of Ancient Egypt, it is used to guard against otherworldly forces or gain control over them, since demons and Satan can not go beyond the five-pointed star.
  2. Unity of all elements. Supporters of Mormonism believe that only Jesus could subdue the earth, fire, water, air and ether.
  3. Desire to tell people about your faith. Scientists who know who such Mormons can lead many religious fanatics related to this belief.

Mormons - who is this in our time?

In the 21st century, the followers of the Church have to put up with the fact that in most countries they are hostile to them. This is due to the concept of the doctrine itself, which seeks to create an elite closed order beyond borders and laws. Since the 80s of the last century, the number of his supporters has doubled - and this could not but frighten representatives of other beliefs. Today, a Mormon is a person who causes suspicion that his faith brothers regularly try to infiltrate military bases, schools and universities to recruit new admirers of the Book.

What do Mormons believe in?

The religious beliefs of Mormonism are in part similar to the Catholic and Orthodox faith as regards the basic concepts of good and evil, love and betrayal. Do not forget that the Mormon religion also has significant differences:

  1. The central character of beliefs is Heavenly Father, who sent Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from sins.
  2. The teachings of the Savior must penetrate into all spheres of life, therefore Mormons must live based on their rules.
  3. God continues to communicate with humanity: in each generation, his prophets are born.
  4. Anyone who wants to understand who the real Mormons are, can not do this until he reads the Book.
  5. Education and self-development are not just the highest values, but also a real duty to religion.

How do Mormons live?

The main country of residence of followers of this religion is located in the United States. Practically in every state you can find both radical communities living in pristine life and modern churches open to everyone. The Mormon society prohibits television, but actively uses the Internet. The stratification of society into strata in it is minimal, because rich believers must help the poor. The best work on which Mormons are blessed by God himself is cultivation of the land and caring for livestock.

How to become a Mormon?

Getting to know a new religion for most people begins by communicating with missionaries who preach the word of God all over the planet. If a person feels the closeness of the spirit with the principles he has heard, he is offered to join the ranks of supporters of the Church. According to Mormons, religion can be considered native to the believer after fulfilling three conditions:

Mormons are a sect or not?

The questions about the official recognition of Mormons by sectarians and their prosecution by law have long been heated debate. Prominent lawyers and Christian religious leaders are sure: Mormons are a sect that aims to influence the consciousness of the masses. In favor of this assertion they say a few facts about their faith:

  1. Jesus Christ is the brother of Satan. According to the Book, his destiny was challenged by his brother, Lucifer, greedy to power and glory.
  2. The first 50 years of Mormonism taught that Adam is the only God he should believe in.
  3. The Mormon Book contradicts the historical events described by the chroniclers of ancient times.

Why are Mormons dangerous?

If one regards the followers of the Church as sectarians, it becomes clear what they can threaten the world. They aggressively propagate their views on life, sometimes almost forcing people to change their faith. The Mormon Church has nothing against dishonest methods of agitation - for example, by substituting concepts or degrading the contents of the Bible. Believers in their places of residence sometimes do not take into consideration the opinion of local residents who oppose the construction of prayer houses.

Mormons are interesting facts

Because believers prefer to hide the details of their lives from curious neighbors and journalists, few know their attitude to the upbringing of children, family values ​​and attitudes to other religions. The Mormon doctrine does not disclose aspects of their life that exist in practice:

  1. Polygamy . Followers of the faith are formally forced to comply with the legislation of the countries in which they live, but Mormons and polygamy are related concepts. One man in these communities may have 6-7 wives and 15-20 children.
  2. Domination over other religions . A good missionary must show his respect for other people's beliefs, but try to prove their falsity.
  3. Compulsory seminary education . For 4 years, schoolchildren are studying rules that will help them to adapt in life.

Famous Mormons

Presidents, boxers, actors, singers and royal persons - all these public persons at different times possessed the Mormon Book. Some of them tried to hide from the public the belonging to this faith, while others mentioned their religious preferences in almost every interview. Famous Mormons, which are regularly mentioned by international media, can be presented in one list:

  1. Prince Charles . It is known that he was imbued with a new religion after the missionary Alex Boye presented him with a copy of the Book in leather binding with gold.
  2. Ronald Reagan . The ex-president established excellent relations with the Church, inviting many of its leaders to occupy important political posts.
  3. Elvis Presley . He regularly cut off journalists during an interview when they called him King. Elvis convinced them that there is only one King - Jesus Christ.
  4. Leo Tolstoy . Although Mormons in Russia have never been particularly common, it is known that the great writer had his own copy of the Book, which he discussed in correspondence with friends from Europe.

Mormon Movies

Followers of the Church rarely become heroes of art paintings, but the stories with their participation sometimes still fall into the field of interest of famous directors. The list of films that reveal what Mormons preach includes:

  1. "On the other side of the sky . " A young country boy, John Groberg, travels to the Tongan Islands as a missionary, being separated from Jean's wife. Her letters help him to cope with loneliness, and he - shares with her the wisdom gained in the process of communicating with the islanders.
  2. "The Return of the Missionary . " Mormon missionary Jared Phelps spends several years on a religious trip, counting on the fact that his beloved girl and mother are waiting for him. By his arrival, it turns out that the lover marries another, and the mother is pregnant with another child. He has to start a new life without money, housing and close people.
  3. "Two best years . " Two pairs of missionaries live in one rented apartment on the outskirts of Harlem, but they are burdened by the existence next to each other because of the difference in generations.
  4. "My name is Trinity . " The Mormon community takes the professional killer of the Trinity for a benefactor and asks for help in finding a council for the local landowner and his gang.
  5. "Guardian" . After the divorce, the protagonist of the painting named Jonathan falls desperately into a religious community, where a girl takes charge of him, planning to restore his faith in love.