Books for the development of intelligence

There is an opinion that the development of thinking and intelligence occurs only in childhood and adolescence. But this is not so. In fact, intelligence develops throughout the life of a person. Another erroneous opinion, actively supported by many early psychologists, is that intelligence depends on the genetic material of the individual. This is how much my mother and father have put in mind, so much will be until the end of life.

But, fortunately, the intellect can and should be developed and for this there are many methods. One of the simplest and most accessible ways of developing intelligence is reading specialized literature.

List of books for the development of intelligence

  1. "Self-analysis" by Ron Hubbard - this photobook contributes to the development of all thought processes, improves memory and reaction speed. You can study the book without help. It provides special exercises for the development of intelligence, tables for the recognition of their emotional tones and many other useful information that allows them to know themselves.
  2. "Puzzle games, tests, exercises" Tom V'yuzhek. All of us faced with failures in memory, when you can not even remember your own phone number or the name of your first teacher. It was to prevent such cases and was developed a system of exercises and tests that help identify the weaknesses of your emotional and intellectual abilities and develop them to the desired level. The book has many useful exercises for the development of memory and intelligence, concentration of attention and improvement of the imagination process. In addition, doing the book can expand your creative potential. With the help of the book, you can take a fresh look at the possibilities of your mind. "Pumping Brains" Bill Lucas. The rapidly developing technologies of the modern world require the acceleration of our thinking. Every day we have to learn something new and every year it is more and more difficult. A well-known American consultant and psychologist Bill Lucas developed a system of accelerated learning and ways of developing intelligence. Studying the book you can learn the possibilities of your brain and the mechanisms of its work. In addition, the book influences the motivation and emotional mood of learning.
  3. "The technique of development of intelligence" Harry Adler. Adler is a well-known practitioner, psychologist, NLP specialist, many people are going to his lecture, trying to know themselves and others. He became the author of a large number of scientific works and bestsellers in psychology. The technology of intelligence development contributes to the disclosure of intellectual potential. Exciting assignments for the development of intelligence will please any reader. Thought training on a special system will help to understand the aspirations and goals of the individual in combination with his mental abilities.
  4. "Aerobics for the mind" David Gamon. The book includes program exercises to enhance intellectual capacity. The book is ideal for self-improvement. The author developed a program of exercises and tests for the development and active use of the activity of both hemispheres of the brain. Gaymon studied the influence of man's temperament on his learning ability. Having studied the book, the reader can quickly make decisions, memorize voluminous information, apply spatial imagination.

This list of books can be continued for a long time. There are many good works aimed at increasing intelligence. Methods of development of intelligence, described by these authors are available to all. Doing this technique, you can develop your memory, emotional and intellectual sphere and, as a result, become a successful person.