Beautiful gait

Gait is a specific way of movement of a person, reflecting his psychological state. Specific, not in the sense that someone is moving on their feet, someone on their hands, but in the way in which a person walks.

The gait of a person varies depending on his condition. On a date to a loved one we literally fly, and on the way to the dentist we go, dragging our feet. Smug people's hands move fast and energetically while walking, while the legs are wooden, the chin is high. When a person simply makes a walk, and does not go anywhere purposefully, then his steps are relaxed and unhurried, and as soon as the goal appears, the steps become wider and more frequent.

In the dark hours of the day, you can determine by walking on the person who is going to meet you, a man or a woman. The main gender difference in movement is the width of the step. So men have more sweeping steps than women.

Women's gait

For a woman, gait plays a very important role. Light and easy, she can fascinate men instantly, and slow and irregular, when the lady simply drags her feet, is unlikely to become an object of male attention.

The correct gait for a woman is the balance between a cold business step and a vulgar wagging of the hips. Beautiful female movement should be plastic and graceful.

Gait can tell a lot about a person. For example, if a woman is proud, then her owner is self-confident and not afraid to show herself to others, she has a happy married life or she has a high position in society. Purposeful people make a wide step when walking, and cautious and prudent move in small steps.

The gait is required, it requires some effort and training, so professionals recommend performing the following exercises:

  1. Eight. Draw an eight on a sheet of paper and try to describe it accurately with her hips, so that the legs and shoulders remain motionless. If at the same time you feel a strong tension in the muscles, then before the exercise, you should stretch.
  2. Twine. Exercise aimed at stretching the muscles of the inner side of the thigh. As you understand, without preliminary preparation, you can not do without especially if you do not have the flexibility. Start with the slopes to the floor. Lean not hurry and during a touch to the floor, fix your position for 10-20 seconds. Stretch the internal muscle of the hip and in a horizontal position for this you need to bend one leg in the knee, and gently pull it with the opposite hand to the side. The same thing must be done with the other leg.

Exercises for stretching are very useful for improving the gait of any woman. And one more of the secrets of a flying and beautiful gait is self-confidence and a good mood.