First movements during the first pregnancy

Every woman during pregnancy is looking forward to the moment when she can feel the first movements of her future baby. Especially bright is the feeling for those girls who are for the first time in an "interesting" position.

Since the woman can constantly feel the movements of the crumbs, she needs to carefully monitor the nature of the perturbations and note any changes in the behavior of the fetus. Unexpected cessation of movements or their changed nature may indicate fetal fading or severe hypoxia , so all such sensations should be immediately reported to your doctor.

In this article, we will tell you when the fetus starts moving during the first pregnancy, and how to recognize it, and also on what changes should be paid special attention.

On what date can you feel the first stirring of the fetus during the first pregnancy?

Although the baby moves already from 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to feel its stirring in about 18-20 weeks. At the same time, all women are individual and have different thresholds of sensitivity, so this period normally ranges from 16 to 24 weeks.

At a time when the wiggling of the fetus is felt during the first pregnancy, many different factors influence. In particular, the huge role played by the complexion of a pregnant woman and her way of life. So, a slender active girl begins to feel the movements of her future baby much earlier than a fat woman with a lot of excess weight.

In addition, girls who are engaged in something with enthusiasm and do not concentrate solely on the waiting period of the child may simply not notice that there are some changes in their body. The sensations of the first stirring of the fetus during the first pregnancy can be so blurred that they can be noticed only when all the attention of the future mother is directed in this direction. If a woman does not even think about it until a certain time, she may not notice that the baby in her tummy is stirring with might and main.

What should I look for?

Starting at 20 weeks of pregnancy, or a little later, you will have to count the number of movements of your unborn child. There are different methods for this. Together with the doctor conducting pregnancy, you need to choose the most suitable method and constantly consider perturbations.

At the gestational age of 20 weeks the baby commits about 200 movements per day, in the period from 26 to 32 weeks - about 600, and after this period, his motor activity is significantly reduced. Naturally, the future mother can notice only a small part of these movements. Normally, during the wakefulness of the future baby, you can feel about 10-15 shocks per hour. Periods of calm usually take no more than 4 hours. Be sure to consult a doctor and go through all the necessary tests if you feel less movements and longer periods of calm.

The first movements of the child during the first pregnancy should become more active when the mother is calm. If a pregnant woman is stressed, the child may briefly cease or, conversely, start moving even more actively.

In addition, the baby usually reacts with active movements to the hunger that the expectant mother experiences. After eating, the baby tends to calm down and subsides. Finally, in most cases the child becomes more active in the evening and at night, in the daytime and in the morning, the woman feels the minimum amount of perturbations.

After a while you will get used to and notice the individual character of your baby's movements. Normally, during the whole period of the child's expectation, this character is preserved, so any changes may indicate a problem in the life of the future baby.