Pregnancy by month

Women are very hypochondriac, especially during pregnancy, so calms are compiled for months, in which calendars are described, which describe all the significant changes that occur with the future mother and baby.

In this article, we will tell you how the fetus should develop throughout the months of pregnancy as planned by gynecologists-midwives.

Speaking in the language of gynecologists, pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks, i.ะต. 10 months, but the first week of pregnancy takes its count, starting from the first day of the last monthly period, i.e. at a time when conception had not actually taken place, and pregnancy had not occurred. The baby is considered full and ready to be born, starting from the 38th week . Based on this, according to the calendar, the pregnancy lasts approximately 9 months. From this, pregnant women often have confusion.

First month

The most inconspicuous of all, as rarely a woman already knows about her interesting situation. After all, there are no signs of pregnancy (abdomen, nausea), and by the end of the first month the length of the embryo will be only 6 mm.

Second month

A surge of hormones leads to the fact that the woman "spoils" the character and changes gastronomic predilections. In this period limbs and basic organs begin to form, the length of the fetus is about 3 cm, and the weight is 4 g.

The third month

The future mother begins to round her tummy. This month, the first ultrasound is planned, during which you can hear the child's heartbeat. The baby grows up to 12-14 cm, weight 30-50 g.

Fourth month

Mom begins to feel much better, because the body has already mastered its new state. The child continues to grow and begins to move, but for the present is not noticeable for the mother. By the end of the month, its growth will be about 20-22 cm, weight 160-215 g.

Fifth month

The baby is getting bigger (27.5-29.5 cm), and the weight is 410-500 grams, so his mom begins to feel his movements. The need for calcium is increasing, as the skeleton is actively forming.

The Sixth Month

To hide the tummy is no longer possible, so mother should wear comfortable for pregnant clothes. The kid becomes even more active, even can "kick" you from within. Ends the formation of the brain and respiratory system. The weight of the child is about 1 kg, and the height is 33.5-35.5 cm, weight 850-1000 g.

Seventh month

This month the baby begins to hear you, because the formation of the hearing organs is coming to an end. Talk to him, listen to classical music. If he does not like something, then his mother will find out about it, according to his movements. Its growth by the end of the month is 40-41 cm, and the baby weighs 1500-1650 gr.

Eighth month

The formation of all internal and external organs of the child ends. He is actively growing and gaining mass. By the end of the month, its weight is 2100-2250 gr, the growth is more than 44.5-45.5 cm.

The ninth month

Since the baby has grown, it is already tight in the tummy, and it moves less. Most often the child by this time occupies a position head down. Mom's meeting with him will take place as soon as her body is fully ready. By the end of pregnancy, the height of the baby is 51-54 cm, and its weight is about 3200-3500 gr.

The development of organs throughout the gestation period is shown in more detail in this table:

The abdomen during pregnancy in a woman varies in proportion to the weight of the child, this looks like this: