Scoop - fighting methods

When you appear in your garden of a small dim butterfly - scoops, you should be alert, as its caterpillar, very gluttonous and omnivorous, can cause great damage to the crop. More than a hundred species of scoop damage different plants in our gardens and cottages: gnawing, garden, winter, cabbage, marsh, etc. And despite the large number of existing methods of combating scoops as garden pests, they are very well distributed.

All scoops, their butterflies and larvae, are active only at night. By the method of supply are divided into:

Getting rid of the scoop is not easy, because it is unpredictable and damaging to different plants: tomatoes, beans, cabbage, rutabaga, turnip, corn, sunflower, rhubarb, onions, beetroot and even garlic, cereals, and especially winter wheat and rye.

Methods of combating shovels

Gardeners in the fight against scoop use different methods for each state of the scoop: butterflies, caterpillars and pupae.

How to get rid of a butterfly?

How to get rid of caterpillars and pupae?

How to destroy a scoop by popular methods?

  1. Application of decoction of wormwood: 1 kg of wormwood boil in three liters of water for 15 minutes, apply two times at intervals of a week.
  2. Use of these mugs: cut the mugs into a bucket to half and pour water to the top, insist 3 days, strain and you can treat the plants. In the same way you can use infusions of chamomile pharmacy, dope, potato leaves, aconite, yarrow and milkweed. In all solutions it is recommended to add 40 grams of laundry soap to better adhere to the plants.
  3. Release twice a season during the laying of eggs Trichogramma (very small Hymenoptera insects laying their eggs inside the eggs of butterflies). This method is very effective in the fight against the garden scoop.
  4. Simultaneous application with trichogramms of the brakon parasitizing on not young caterpillars-pests. Bracona can be apply once or twice.
  5. Use the same means as in the control of aphids .

From the timely beginning of the fight against the scoops depends its effectiveness. The most difficult is to determine the timing of the appearance of pests to establish the correct timing of the beginning of treatment. If you are late with spraying for several days, then after the penetration of the caterpillars into the fetus, the treatment becomes practically useless. It is possible to predict the development of harmful insects with the help of pheromone traps, helping to determine the period of mass arrival of butterflies of the scoop and the appearance of caterpillars.