How to store beans after harvest?

Beans are a very useful dietary product , so it is often grown in kitchen gardens and cottages for domestic consumption. However, they like beans not only people, but also harmful insects, in particular bean seed beans. It is not so difficult to grow beans, how then to keep it from invasion of this quarantine pest. Our article will tell you how to store beans after harvest.

How to store string beans?

Drying the grain is perhaps the most important moment when laying beans for storage. After harvesting, put the beans on a bed (provided good weather) or hang it in a draft.

Then the beans must be threshed and sorted. The grain contaminated material is collected and burned - this will allow you to secure the bulk of the grain for further storage. Do not leave beans with a damaged surface for storage.

There are several ways to store beans at home:

  1. To get rid of bugs-grains cold storage will help. Larvae of this pest do not develop in the cold and die: at a temperature of 0 ° C - in a month, and at -12 ° C - after a day. Therefore, bean seeds are stored at a negative temperature. To do this, they are placed on a balcony, and before the onset of cold weather - in the refrigerator.
  2. Not everyone knows in what container it is better to store beans. This is best done in cans or bottles with a screw cap. Effective will be storage in vessels with an artificially created vacuum. Hatching, the larvae will quickly die from lack of oxygen. Preliminary, you can warm the beans in the oven, preheated to 80-90 ° C. This is done within 4-5 minutes, so that the taste of the bean is not affected.
  3. If you are going to use beans in the near future, you should know: its pods are stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. This is also the case with unripe pods, which quickly lose moisture and are not stored for long. In this case, the temperature regime should be set within + 2 ... + 3 ° С, and humidity - at the level of 80-90%.
  4. Asparagus varieties of beans are delicious, tender pods, rich in proteins and vitamins. As practice shows, storing asparagus beans is better than frozen. This will help to preserve it without losing useful qualities. To freeze, the beans are cut into pieces, blanched or simply dried and placed in plastic containers. This product is stored in the freezer at -18 ° C for not more than a year.