How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony?

Who would have thought that such an inoffensive bird as a dove, which became the symbol of peace from the light hand of the great Pablo Picasso, can bring so much trouble. What are we talking about? Understand those who live in an apartment with a balcony , chosen by pigeons. Not only is this a fairly noisy neighborhood - birds from early morning until late evening coo and rustle, moving along the iron canopies, if pigeons live on the balcony, it's also dirt. What good is in the piles of litter? Naturally, the question arises, how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony?

How to deal with pigeons on the balcony?

First of all, we'll figure out what they like - they do not like these birds, and on the basis of this knowledge we will start fighting for our balcony. Wide rails, open not sloping windowsills - this is an excellent runway for pigeons. With pleasure they will fit into the nest behind the old closet, standing on the balcony, or in blockages from cardboard boxes and all rubbish. But not to the liking of these feathery sharp sounds, moving objects, the presence of pets. So, based on the above, a few tips on how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony - from the simplest and accessible to more radical and hard.

  1. Try to place in a few places on the balcony strip of foil - rustling from the wind blowing and creating highlights, it will act as a kind of repeller for pigeons. For the same purpose, you can use older CDs. Of course, we should dismantle the rubble of old things, so that birds do not look for a place for nesting here.
  2. Create maximum discomfort for landing on your balcony. To do this, on the visor, attach the plywood with not completely clogged nails - on such a surface the pigeons can not sit down. You can tighten the balcony with a grid (the most effective option is to glaze the balcony).
  3. A cat walking on a balcony is an excellent remedy against pigeons.
  4. You can search the trade network for special bioacoustic deterrents, reproducing sounds perceived by birds as sounds of anxiety. Or, as an option, use ultrasonic scaring devices.

In the same cases, when the pigeons have already settled on the balcony, it is necessary, alas, to act in more radical ways, which for some may not seem very humane. Did the pigeons start building a nest? - Destroy it. And so on until the birds leave your balcony. If the nest already has eggs - replace them with a dummy. When the chicks do not appear at the right time, the birds will be upset and leave this unfortunate place for themselves. And one more recommendation. With some SES, this applies to large cities, there are special services involved in combating bothersome birds.