The facade of a single-story house

A single-storey house is easier to build and faster, because the construction technology itself is simpler. A big plus is the lack of a staircase. In addition, for such a house does not need a very powerful foundation. In this case, the design of the facade of a single-storey house can be made very beautiful, so that your house will be favorably distinguished among tasteless two-story buildings.

Options for finishing the facade of a single-story house

Most often single-storey houses are built of brick or bricked out with clinker tiles or plastic panels with a heater and without. This makes it possible to embody the American or English style. In the first case, the appearance of the house combines simplicity, accuracy and practicality. In the second - aristocratic and strict.

Often you can find a wooden facade of a single-story house. And it is not necessary that the house is from an expensive log house. Lumber and frame houses are gaining popularity recently due to the simplicity and speed of construction and relatively low cost. Outwardly, such houses can look very attractive. The wood can also imitate metal or vinyl siding.

And another traditional way of finishing the house - the application of plaster. A wide variety of materials and application methods make it possible to create houses with a unique appearance.

Arrangement of the house and the house territory

In order to add functionality and useful space to the house, it is possible to consider the options for the construction of a single-storey house with an attic or a garage, the facade of it in this case can be any, most importantly, that there is harmony between all elements of the structure.

If you have a large plot of land, and you are not afraid to build up a significant part of it, then the choice of a single-storey house is completely justified. But remember that in the local area still need to place a lot of objects, and perhaps break a small garden-garden. Therefore, take responsibility for designing.