Thrush after antibiotics

After using antibiotics, problems arise not only with the work of the digestive tract. Quite often after the course of treatment, women face violations of levels of useful and pathogenic microflora.

Can antibiotics cause thrush?

If you use a wide spectrum of action, then they begin to suppress the development of normal microflora. As a result, conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic organisms that are resistant to the action of an antibiotic begin unhindered reproduction. The fact is that the fungi of the genus Candida can not be destroyed with conventional drugs, and taking simple antibiotics even provokes more rapid growth. The danger of candidiasis is that in the absence of treatment, it can spread to other organs in the body.

Treating thrush after taking antibiotics

If you suspect that you have thrush from antibiotics, you should contact a specialist. To begin with, he will assign laboratory tests. For the analysis, the material of the affected organs is taken: these can be scrapings, swabs, or discharge. Then the material is examined under a microscope. The presence of thrush after taking antibiotics is confirmed in the event that a large number of fungi of the genus Candida and their filaments (pseudomycelia) are detected.

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor decides how to treat thrush after antibiotics. As a rule, first of all the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs. Among them there are antibiotics with directed antifungal action. To treat the mild form of thrush after antibiotics appoint local funds. Most often it affects the defeat of the external genitalia. The doctor may prescribe vaginal tablets, suppositories or solutions for irrigation. When thrush after taking antibiotics becomes more severe, antifungal drugs are added inside or in the form of injections.

When a thrush comes from antibiotics, the patient is prescribed vitamin therapy. Enhanced intake of B vitamins, micro- and macro-elements stimulate immunity. In parallel, a daily intake of drugs for eliminating intestinal dysbacteriosis, as well as fermented milk products, is introduced into the diet of a woman.

Prevention of thrush with antibiotics

Prevent the appearance of thrush on the background of taking antibiotics is always easier than treating it. To do this, taking medications should immediately begin and taking antifungal drugs. During the course of treatment, a woman is prescribed immune therapy, which strengthens drugs of general action. This approach makes it possible to avoid the appearance of thrush after antibiotics.