Russian signs

All the signs are based on the worldview of the people, among whom they, in fact, arose. So, Russian signs are a great way to describe the life and character of the Slavs.

Home signs

Of course, most will take somehow connected with the house. After all, people, especially a Russian man living in a harsh winter, spend most of their time at home. And Russian signs say - with perfume at home it's better not to quarrel. This applies to the brownies - when moving, you need to call your house with them to a new dwelling. Otherwise, a new family who has entered your house can bring with her his brownie, and between your thrown and their newfangled ones, quarrels will begin. And the houses will take revenge on the one who led to such strife.

Another Russian superstition is that a cat must step into the new house. Cats are mystical creatures, people believe that they feel places with negative energy. But this is not all - they do not just "diagnose", but "treat", as if cleaning the house of all evil.

Russian food signs

Another impressive category will be adopted in Russia - this is the custom and superstition associated with the feast. We can not not begin with salt, because we all, even the most not superstitious, know that spilling the salt , it's time to wait for quarrels. The sign has a Russian origin, and it is not at all difficult to explain the reasons for its appearance to a modern man. Previously, salt cost tens, and hundreds of times more than today. Just imagine how you would live, whether the price of salt is even twenty times higher. That's why any careless attitude towards salt and led to family strife.

A no less important attribute of Russian folk beliefs is the loaf. It symbolizes the house, family, unity, and therefore, if something is wrong with the caravan, the whole family is under threat. This was the opinion of women who discovered that the loaf in the stove had broken or not been baked. Means, at least, someone from relatives will leave the house for a long time, and a maximum - someone from close will soon die.