Why can not you keep artificial flowers at home?

People, wise with certain life experiences and believing in signs, will give an unambiguous negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to keep artificial flowers at home, for signs, indeed, often speak the truth and if they are believed, then artificial flowers bring illness and death. And to believe or not, it's a private matter for everyone, since there are absolutely no signs of truthfulness of any truth.

Why can not you keep many artificial flowers in the house?

In the East, artificial flowers are considered a symbol of loneliness. Therefore, if a family is presented with a bouquet of artificial flowers, soon all members of this family will feel "lonely". And the more "dead" colors, the more likely that the sign will be fulfilled.

For many centuries our ancestors did not use artificial flowers for decoration in their dwelling. Most often, flowers were painted, embroidered or decorated with bouquets of "live" flowers.

The modern dynamic rhythm of life dictates its conditions. Therefore, a bouquet of fresh flowers to decorate your home, not everyone can afford to buy every 2-3 days. Artificial flowers become an excellent alternative, which can not be distinguished from the living.

Positive signs about artificial flowers

Those who understand the signs, believe that artificial flowers can be kept in those homes where there is a constant surge of negative energy: quarrels , scandals, constant clarification of relations. Flowers in this situation act as a magnet, attract all the negative. So soon the house is established peace and harmony.

The Chinese doctrine of feng shui very positively considers the presence of inanimate flowers in the house. Adherents of this system, any flower is considered a symbol of positive energy, but from an inanimate flower energy will be radiated much weaker than from the living one.