Dream-cat - what does a woman dream about?

A dream about cats, as a dream interpreter interprets it: a cat that is affectionate or aggressive, of what color, whether it's a pet or a street - these and many other nuances affect the interpretation of the dream and the manifestation of consequences in reality.

What does a woman dream about?

In many world traditions, cats are considered mystical animals able to look beyond the veil of another world beyond, there is even an assumption that the cat is an animal that once fell to Earth from the Moon, and dreams involving these creatures carry some message for the woman. So what does a cat dream about a girl or an adult married woman? There is a category of dreams that indicates that there are enemies or wicked people in the environment and often dreams of cats are attributed to such unfavorable dreams. Whether this is so - this article will help to see all the subtleties and nuances of dreams with fluffy creatures.

Why dream of a black cat?

Before interpreting a female dream with a black cat, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

To make a complete impression of a dream, it is better to draw information from several sources-dream books:

Other values ​​from different sources:

Why does a white cat dream?

White cat in reality is a premium white creature, but what about in a dream? It is believed that a white cat has more negative in a dream than a black cat, but not in all peoples and not in all interpretations. So, a white cat in female dreams:

Why dream of a red cat?

Red color or color from ancient times is associated with cunning and insidiousness, but on the other hand it is a source of powerful energy, so they were so afraid of red people or accidentally encountered red animals, be they a cat or a fox. A dream with a red fuzzy is also ambiguous in its essence. Various dreamers interpret such dreams in the following way:

Why dream a dead cat?

Such dreams are always unpleasant, they leave a sediment, an alarm and many questions on awakening. What a dreamed cat dreams about - it is important to pay attention to the details:

What they say about this dream are various dreamers:

Why does a big cat dream?

Why dream a big black cat - a frequent question, because this color in the subconscious is associated with troubles and troubles, and the dreamed animals of a different color - these dreams are left without attention. Not all dreamers tend to focus the dreamer's attention on color, translating the angle specifically to unusually large sizes of cats, as this is of more importance. Women's dreams, which feature huge cats, interpretation:

Why do you dream a lot of cats?

If a woman or a girl has a well-intentioned cat and cat, this is a more favorable dream than the one where the animals are aggressive. What else is worth paying attention to when analyzing the dream, this is interpreted by different dream books, so it is worthwhile to arm yourself with different information to make a complete picture:

What does the talking cat dream about?

A cat is a mystical animal, and as a speaker in a dream it is worthwhile to look closely, perhaps the higher forces want to give some wise advice or a clue. Dreams about talking cats for a woman can mean the following:

What does the cat have pictures of?

Dreams with cats and so often bear a negative connotation, than a positive one, and if the animal is also teeming with fleas, it's just right to be upset by such a situation. So whether it's bad as seen from the beginning - it's time to look and collect information about sleep from different sources:

Why does the cat catch a mouse?

A cat is a predatory animal, it is interesting to observe its hunting for birds or mice, it is so graceful, but it is in reality. Whether the cat hunt negative shade in a dream can be learned by looking into the dreamers:

Why dream of a cat that bites?

The manifestation of aggression by animals in a dream, especially a cat - the interpretation of sleep depends on some nuances, for example, where the cat bites, because cats are known diagnostics of diseases and bite in a certain place cause to pay attention - this can be a manifestation of a beginning illness. Other interpretations of sleep:

Why does an evil cat dream?

The attacker in a dream cat hisses, yells, attacks, and bites and scratches - an occasion for a woman or a girl to reflect on the environment and what she projects to others, because the world is a mirror that reflects our feelings, emotions, mood. What about this dream say dreamers: