Darsonval - contraindications

Darsonvalization is a popular procedure, in demand both in medicine and in cosmetology. However, even this common method has contraindications. Let's study them in more detail.

Contraindications to the use of Darsonval

First of all, it is worth considering that there are a number of common contraindications. Among them:

Knowing the contraindications to the use of Darsonval, you can avoid side effects, some of which are very serious.

Why is the procedure with Darsonval contraindicated?

The device is based on the action of high-frequency electric pulses. That is why there are the categories of contraindications listed above:

  1. For example, electrical impulses make the blood flow much more intense, the speed of movement of blood along the vascular network increases. If a person has a bleeding, at the time of treatment of the surface of the body with the apparatus, it can significantly increase. Clotting of blood decreases. Therefore bleeding, in particular, menstrual, becomes a risk factor.
  2. Thrombophlebitis - the presence of thrombi in the lumen of the vessel. Acceleration of blood flow can lead to its separation and obstruction of the lumen.
  3. No less negatively, the acceleration of blood flow affects the work of the heart muscle. With arrhythmia, an increase in the frequency of contractions is possible, and this can lead to heart failure and organ arrest.
  4. Contraindications for the use of Darsonval include the expansion of the capillary network. The influx of blood to the surface of the skin will lead to an even greater expansion of the vessels. Stretched walls of capillaries can not withstand pressure and burst. As a result, the treated area will be decorated with bruising, and the vascular network will visually become more visible.
  5. Epilepsy is a disease associated with the activity of the brain. On the surface of the skin is a lot of nerve endings. With their stimulation, an epileptic attack is likely.
  6. People with an electronic pacemaker are categorically forbidden by Darsonval treatment. An electrical impulse will provoke a pacing of the pacemaker and a lethal outcome.
  7. It is contraindicated to use darzovat during pregnancy, even to clean the face. The organism of a pregnant woman is tuned extremely thinly. An electrical impulse can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage or early childbirth.
  8. It is also contraindicated to use Darsonval for the face and other parts of the body when lactating. High-frequency impulses can adversely affect milk quality and reduce its volume.
  9. With an active form of tuberculosis, a person may experience back pain. But in this case to apply Darsonval to eliminate the painful syndrome in the back is contraindicated. Tuberculosis of this type is accompanied by pulmonary hemorrhage. The effect of the current will make them much more intense.
  10. People suffering from hirsutism , excessive growth of hair on the face, Darsonval is also contraindicated. The reason is banal - increasing blood flow will accelerate hair growth, as the follicles will receive more oxygen and nutrients.
  11. Any physiotherapy and folk remedies are dangerous in case of oncology, if not resolved by the attending physician. Instead of healing, it is easy to encounter the growth of a tumor.