When after the birth can you sleep with your husband?

Finally, long-term birth pains have ended, and the long-awaited little happiness snores nearby. But for the female body, even the natural appearance of the baby is a great stress, not to mention the cesarean section. Therefore, each newly mum needs rest and rest for some time.

The reasons why after sexual delivery you need sexual rest

Of particular interest for a woman, and even for her husband, raises the question: can I sleep with my husband right after giving birth. The answer to it will be negative for several important reasons:

  1. The female reproductive system has not yet recovered: in the process of delivery, soft tissues are damaged, which are an open wound. Therefore, sexual intercourse can lead to severe bleeding from vessels with compromised integrity.
  2. When a baby is born, breaks are often formed, which require suturing. If you are wondering when it is possible to sleep with a husband after childbirth, you should know that before a sexual life it is better to check with a gynecologist. This will determine the condition of the seams. The same goes for caesarean section: in order for the sexual intercourse to not lead to serious surgical problems, it is necessary to first examine the condition of the scar on the uterus.
  3. Even if the birth was ideal, the female reproductive tract after passing through the fetus is susceptible to infection, which may well become real during sexual intercourse. Sometimes it even leads to the development of inflammation of the uterus - endometritis.
  4. After you become a mother, it takes some time before the swelling and hypersensitivity disappear. Otherwise, it will hurt you to sleep with your husband after childbirth, and in this case, interest in sexual life is often lost and even possible the appearance of frigidity. Psychological reasons are also important: childbirth is often very exhausting, so the wife needs to sleep off and recover. This will help to re-awaken interest in sex. In addition, some women need time to get used to the changed figure after birth and again feel themselves welcome.

How to behave to her husband in the postpartum period?

Very often representatives of the fair sex still in the hospital ask the doctor how much you can not sleep with your husband after childbirth. The answer to it will be strictly individual. It all depends on whether you gave birth naturally or with caesarean section, and did you have an episiotomy ( suturing with crotch ruptures). If there are no complications, you will be allowed to enjoy the joys of sex after 6 weeks, in case of ruptures, this period increases to 8 weeks, and after Caesarean section a return to a full married life is possible not earlier than in 2-3 months.

If you feel well and the doctor has given the go-ahead for intimacy, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  1. The first time you do not need to immediately bring the matter to sexual intercourse. You will need time to re-get used to each other. It is better to be limited to gentle mutual caresses (petting). In this case, you should not hurry - and then mutual pleasure is provided to you.
  2. If sex with your husband after birth still causes you serious discomfort, the reason may be insufficient production of natural lubrication in the birth canal. In this case, it is logical to use lubricants and choose the most comfortable position for you during your lovemaking. Then you will be able to adjust the frequency of movements and the depth of penetration.
  3. Kids often wake up at night, so to not be nervous and completely relax, try to plan the first intimate meetings for the daytime if possible.
  4. Try to rest more and eat normally, and also drink plenty of fluids. This will allow you to be in good shape and with pleasure to indulge in sexual pleasures.