What drops from the cold can be pregnant?

The future mother in the period of expectation of the baby quite often faces such phenomenon, as zalozhennost a nose. It can arise because of a cold, flu, and also with mucosal edema, which is associated with pregnancy itself. It is in this case that a question arises as to which drops from the rhinitis can be administered to pregnant women.

What kind of nasal drops are forbidden during pregnancy?

First of all, it is necessary to warn women in the provision about the negative effect on the gestation of vasoconstrictors. Due to the fact that they actively influence the contractility of the vascular walls, the lumen of large veins decreases. Especially dangerous when this is observed directly in the placenta. As a result, the future child loses oxygen, hypoxia occurs, which is fraught with a violation of the development of the fetus.

However, in exceptional cases, doctors allow one-time use of such drugs, but not on short terms.

What drops from the cold can be in pregnancy?

When answering this kind of question, doctors first of all indicate the means, in the basis of which, - saline solution, sea water. An example of such drugs are Aquamaris, Salin, Marimer.

Also speaking about what drops from the common cold can be dripped pregnant, doctors call Pinosol. This product is formulated on a plant basis, using essential oils. The medicine does not dry the mucous, but, on the contrary, promotes its restoration and moistening.

Homeopathic remedies can also be used as a remedy for the common cold: Euphorbium compositum, EDAS-131.

As already mentioned above, in rare cases, when breathing is very difficult, a future mother can once use vasoconstrictive drugs. Admissible in this case are Ximelin, Galazolin.

Thus, in order to make the right choice and not to harm the future baby, the mother must consult with the doctor before using such a means.