The nursing mother's menu - the second month

Imperceptibly flew the first weeks spent with the baby. Behind were pleasant "difficulties" of the period of newborn. The child went to the 2nd month, which means that the nursing mother should revise her menu and diversify it with foodstuffs that are acceptable for this period.

The diet of the nursing mother in the second month of life should be slightly caloric, in order to maintain her good health. But do not immediately enter a few products. Up to half a year the organism of the kid is still very vulnerable and sensitive to any error in the feeding of the nursing mother, especially if it was only the second month that he went.

The whole set of products, put after the birth of the baby, should be increased gradually, introducing one new product in a few days and watching the baby's reaction. If the child's behavior has not changed, suddenly he was not tortured by colic , cheeks are clean, without signs of rashes, then this food can be introduced into a constant diet, but without fanaticism.

Feeding Mom's Food - the second month

The menu of the nursing mother by month does not change much in the first half of the year. It is worth a little patience when the baby gets stronger and begins to try the pedagogical lure. In the meantime, you need to add to your diet lean pork, low-fat sea fish, seasonal berries and fruits. With great care is to treat strawberries and raspberries, because in addition to the rash, these berries can lead to an allergic swelling of the throat and breathing. Do not risk the health of a child for a handful of berries.

But you can safely eat apples, pears, cherries, cherries and watermelons. Plums and grapes often provoke bloating not only in the baby, but also in the mother. So without them you can still do. But the fruit and jelly from black and red currants will be very useful. Melons, mushrooms, legumes - heavy food for the digestive system, they do not yet need to be eaten.

Dietary types of meat - beef, pork, rabbit meat, white poultry meat - the range is quite decent, so as not to feel hungry. Sausages and smoked products are still banned, but they can be replaced with homemade boiled pork baked in foil with a minimum set of spices - and tasty and useful!

The myth that a nurse must drink a lot of milk has no basis. Good lactation is a balanced diet, well-being and a happy mother. If a child shows an intolerance to protein contained in dairy products, do not despair. Often this is expressed in the rash on different parts of the body, when the mother abuses these seemingly useful sour-milk products.

Black tea is preferably replaced by green or herbal, because it interferes with the absorption of iron. Compotes from dried fruits, jelly and morsels will diversify the diet and increase immunity. The menu of the nursing mother in the second month should be adapted individually for each situation and gradually introduce all products allowed for consumption.