So "a cup of tea" looks in 22 different countries

Tea is drunk all over the place. We invite you to plunge into the world of tea sacraments of 22 corners of the planet.

1. Japan

"Matthia" - an integral part of traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. For its preparation, high-quality green tea leaves are used, ground into powder.

2. India

The history of Indian tea is rich and diverse. Traditional is the tea "Masala", which was supplied to this country through South Asia for thousands of years before the tea industry swept the country during the British colonial empire. In the photo - Darjeeling tea, grown in the northern mountainous part of India.

3. Britain

As you know, Britain has its own unique tradition of tea drinking, with its own rules and regulations. The English drink black tea several times a day with milk / sugar and without.

4. Turkey

Turkish coffee is perhaps the most famous hot drink in the country, but tea is the most popular, served at every meal and often in between. Turks prefer to brew tea in special two-story teapots and drink it without milk, but with sugar.

5. Tibet

Tibetan tea, or as it is also called "Chasuima", includes: tea, milk, yak butter and salt. The brewing process lasts several hours to give the tea a specific bitter taste.

6. Morocco

Tunisian tea, tea Tuareg, Maghreb tea are all names of Moroccan mint tea. It is an infusion of mint leaves mixed with sugar and green tea, traditional for the region in North Africa, which includes Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.

7. Hong Kong

Tea in Hong Kong is mixed with condensed milk, and can be served hot or cold, sometimes with ice, depending on preference. Local called this tea "silk stocking", because because of milk, it becomes the color of body stockings. Except for jokes.

8. Taiwan

Tea with balls, also pearl tea, frothy tea, has become popular all over the world, but its homeland is Taiwan. In the drink add "pearls" - balls made from tapioca, small starch balls. The composition includes: tapioca, respectively, a tea base, mixed with fruit juice or milk, sometimes ice.

9. The USA

Sweet chilled tea - as a source of vitality for the South of America. Usually it is strongly brewed Lipton with sugar and lemon or a pinch of baking soda to make the tea soft.

10. Russia

Several cups of black leaves are brewed for a cup of Russian tea. Especially delicious tea is obtained if brewed in a samovar.

11. Pakistan

Spicy and creamy "Masala" is loved by the people of Pakistan at noon time.

12. Thailand

"Cha yen" or simply Thai tea is drank chilled with condensed milk. Milk is added to the tea before the very use. Sell ​​this tea in a plastic bag with ice.

13. China

The Chinese love tea very much, there is a lot to choose from - a huge amount of flavors and colors. The picture shows one of the most expensive varieties of tea in the world - "Puer". It is sold in the form of small briquettes or compressed lumps.

14. Egypt

Egypt - the largest buyer of tea. Sweet black tea and green tea with mint are distributed there. Also distributed is a red drink "karkade", which is an integral part of wedding celebrations.

15. Mongolia

Sutei Tsai is a traditional Mongolian drink. It is prepared in a flat form with the addition of milk, fat, salt, flour and rice. Served in a small metal bowl after, practically, every meal.

16. Kenya

Kenya is one of the largest tea producers. Mostly simple black tea is grown in the country.

17. Argentina

Mate is a vitaminized green tea, popular in South America, Portugal, Lebanon and Syria. This tea has a special astringent aroma and is served both hot and cold.

18. South Africa

Rooibos is a bright red drink produced exclusively in South Africa. Having a natural soft and sweet taste, it is usually served without milk and sugar.

19. Qatar

In Qatar strong tea with milk is called "Karak". Leaves of black tea are brewed in water twice. During the second brew, add milk and sugar.

20. Mauritania

In the Moorish version of the popular mint tea in North Africa, there is a special tradition - to drink it in three stages. Each subsequent portion is different in that it is sweeter than the previous one. From bitter to sweet, so to speak ...

21. Malaysia

The Malaysians brought the preparation of traditional tea with milk and sugar to perfection. "Those Tariq" is served hot, especially in the afternoon.

22. Kuwait

Traditional afternoon tea in Kuwait is prepared from the leaves of black tea with the addition of cardamom and saffron for spices.