Is it possible to roll a feeding mom?

Sushi and rolls have long passed from the category of exotic dishes to everyday food. This product of the Asian forge conquered by its unique and refined taste of many. Moreover, today it is a part of the daily diet for some people. That's why many women think about whether rolls can be fed to the mother, or they should be completely excluded from their diet . First you need to find out what the dish is.

What is useful contain rolls?

As you know, rolls, in themselves, are nothing more than a roll, outside of which there is a sheet of seaweed, and inside is stuffed from meat of fish and rice. If this dish is made according to a classic recipe, then the fish present in it is necessarily raw. It is the source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. In addition, the micronutrients contained in them, in particular phosphorus, are especially necessary for women who have recently given birth to a child.

What can be harmful to nursing rolls?

Use rolls for women with breastfeeding is not prohibited. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of conditions.

First, you need to limit their number. Maximum, at times nursing you can eat 2-3 rolls.

Secondly, the fish must not be raw. To prepare rolls for breastfeeding, it is best to use salted fish. This eliminates the risk of infection of a woman with parasites that are often found in raw fish.

The last condition - when breastfeeding, from such a dish as rolls, it is necessary to completely exclude seasonings and sauces. Use of wasabi and ginger is unacceptable during breastfeeding.

Thus, to the question of a woman: "Is it possible to feed the rolls?", You can give an unambiguous answer "Yes!", But with the observance of the rules that are set out above.