Who is Julia Wang really?

The winner of the 15th season of "Battle of Psychics" is the brightest and most memorable participant in all the years of the program's existence. In addition, its appearance caused the emergence of numerous disputes and doubts among the fans of the project. A huge number of people are interested in who Julia Wang really is and whether she has magical abilities. To get to the bottom of the truth, many journalists conducted their investigations and searched for facts that confirm or disprove the girl's strength.

Who is this, and what is Julia Wang's name really?

To date, there are a lot of different information that concerns an unusual participant of the famous show. She was a model, an actress, a model, she was engaged in creativity, in general, developed in different spheres. This is what causes people's doubts about its forces. The very same girl has repeatedly said that people who have supernatural abilities, have to spend their energy somewhere, which it did and continues to do.

As for the real name of the winner of the Battle of Psychics, Julia Wang, at the moment she uses a pseudonym and her real name is Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova. Famous personalities dealing with Vang before her participation in the project, for example, the singer Danko and TV presenter Catherine Gordon, assure that they never noticed any abilities in Julia. Summing up a little, you can say that all people are divided into those who believe in the girl and who is not. Decide which group to join.

Many are interested in the life of Julia Wang after the Battle of Psychics, and so the girl does not hide from anyone and leads an active life, which you can learn from her page in the network. The girl continues to attend various events, participates in the programs, and recently she released a batch of doubles dolls.