Bromocriptine for cessation of lactation

Modern pediatricians and breastfeeding counselors advocate prolonged breastfeeding. Ideal is the gradual rejection of the breast, which does not cause psychological and physiological discomfort to the mother and child. However, in practice, the withdrawal of the baby from the breast most often occurs after his first year of life, when many women produce milk in significant quantities. To make the process of weaning easier, mums are often prescribed pills to stop lactation Bromocriptine.

In what cases are bromocriptine taken during lactation?

Suppression of lactation is not necessarily necessary before calmly wean the baby from the breast. Sometimes it is necessary to stop breastfeeding in the following cases:

How does bromocriptine work to stop lactation?

When they say that breast milk is produced in the brain, it is partly true: in the bowels of the brain is the pituitary gland - the gland of internal secretion and the center of the endocrine system. The main function of this tiny organ is the development of a number of hormones, including prolactin - a hormone responsible for the production of milk in the mammary glands. The action of tablets from lactation Bromocriptine is based on a decrease in the production of prolactin.

In the case of temporary suppression of lactation with the drug Bromocriptine (for acute diseases), breast-feeding is restored after elimination of the causes of suppression of lactation and withdrawal of the drug. Usually it takes from 1 to 4 weeks. If the period of treatment is prolonged, it is more difficult to restore the production of breast milk.

Bromocriptine Richter for cessation of lactation - contraindications and dosage

Since the drug Bromocriptine for stopping lactation affects the hormonal background of a woman, you can not use it yourself, without the knowledge of the doctor, and also use uncontrollably.

According to the instructions, Bromocriptine for taking lactation is taken with food 1 tablet 2 times a day for 14 days. In the case of premature birth or abortion, you can begin taking Bromocriptine 4 hours after the end of the procedure. If after the discontinuation of the drug milk continues to be released in small quantities, the reception is resumed at the same dose for 1 week.

Bromocriptine for stopping lactation should not be used if the nursing mother suffers from severe forms of cardiovascular disease, toxicosis of pregnant women, tremor, and hypersensitivity to ergot alkaloids included in the drug.

Bromocriptine in lactation - side effects

At the very beginning of treatment, bromocriptine lactation tablets can cause increased fatigue, headache and dizziness, nausea and vomiting. As a rule, in these cases, the drug continues to take, dizziness and nausea removed antiemetics (it is taken 1 hour before Bromocriptine).

High doses of the drug can cause hallucinations, psychosis, visual impairment, dyskinesia, constipation, dry mouth, cramps in the calf muscles. However, with a decrease in dose, these troubles stop. Nevertheless, in case of any side effect, you should immediately consult a doctor.