Valerian with HS

Stress, neurosis, insomnia - frequent companions of newly mummies in the postpartum period. Of course, the causes of such conditions are obvious, it is a constant concern for the baby's health, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance and all this against the backdrop of a sharply increased number of worries and routine cases.

Many women, wishing to regain their peace of mind and tranquility, resort to sedatives. Tincture of motherwort or valerian - the first thing in the course are relatively safe herbal preparations. And it would be all great if not for one "but" - lactation. After all, everything that Mamma eats and drinks, including medicines, in a certain amount goes to the baby.

Actually, therefore, the question is, is it possible and how to drink valerian during breastfeeding, quite natural for lactating women.

Can I take valerian with breastfeeding?

The medicinal properties of this plant have been known to mankind for a very long time. It is successfully used with nervous excitement, insomnia, spasms of the genitourinary organs and the gastrointestinal tract, neuroses and mild forms of neurasthenia. Also, valerian helps to get rid of feelings of anxiety and stress. Sometimes it is prescribed for the prevention of angina and hypertension.

However, despite such a vast positive impact on the body of an adult, it is difficult to predict how the newborn will react to valerian.

In most cases, penetrating through the milk into the children's body, the active substance of the drug (bornyl isovaleric acid) calms the crumbs, improves the secretion of its digestive tract, facilitates the process of falling asleep. Nevertheless, the appearance of an individual reaction can not be ruled out. Therefore, appointing valerian during lactation, doctors strongly recommend mothers not to exceed the indicated dosage and monitor the condition of the baby.

Adverse reactions of valerian in case of HS

In medical practice, there were cases when taking this medicine by a woman during lactation, caused unwanted reactions from the child's body in the form of:

Dosage of valerian in case of HS

In order to reduce the risk of side effects, both on the part of the mother and the child's side, you must strictly follow the dosage. Basically, with breastfeeding doctors appoint valerian in tablets 1 piece 2-3 times a day. Also as a sedative, you can use special herbal teas, which include the herb valerian. But from alcohol solutions to nursing mothers are better to refuse, in addition, it is undesirable to use infusions from the rhizomes of this plant, because they have a strong effect.

Should I take valerian with lactation?

Having weighed all the pros and cons, many mothers refuse the medicine, afraid to harm the baby. In this case, women should consider whether the minimal risk of adverse reactions is commensurate with the psychological discomfort that is transmitted to the baby from a nervous and irritable mother. But even if the "scales" are still confidently leaning towards "against" then the woman should look for an alternative soothing agent , or trivialize her schedule and distribute the responsibilities for caring for the baby and the house among the rest of the family.

To the same women who started taking the drug and expect a real miracle from it, it is worth recalling that valerian is not a panacea for all problems. Being with the baby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without sleeping and reworking all homework - no sedative will make you calm and cheerful person. Do not forget that motherhood is not a duty, but happiness, and in order to enjoy this happiness, mother needs to rest.