Cessation of lactation

It is known that breastfeeding is the best nutrition for newborns. Young mothers try to adjust it, listening to a number of recommendations. But any woman who breastfeed her baby is concerned about how to stop lactation properly. Of course, there are situations when mother is forced to stop feeding urgently, according to medical indications. But in many cases, women are thinking how to stop lactation naturally, so that the process is more relaxed.

When you can not wean your child?

If my mother decided to slowly abandon breastfeeding, she should know that at some points this should not be done:

Excommunication from the breast is a stress for the mother and child, so you do not need to combine it with other difficult periods.

Technique and methods of cessation of lactation

An important factor that influences how easily refusal from feeding will pass is how much milk is produced by a woman. If your mother had a defect, the process will be fairly easy. More difficult task will be to figure out how to stop lactation if the mother has a lot of milk. You can give some tips that should help women deal with this issue:

Of course, the entire process will take some time, perhaps 2-3 weeks or even more. But this is how you can solve the problem of how to stop lactation most painlessly. During this time, the production of milk will gradually fade.

Unfortunately, many women are faced with the fact that with a reduction in the number of feedings, the breast begins to swell and ache. In such situations, such recommendations will help:

Young mothers sometimes hear tips from the older generation about how to stop lactating with a woman. Many people say that breastfeeding can not be avoided. But modern specialists do not recommend this, since such a method can easily lead to swelling of the breast.

It should be noted that you can not do to stop lactation. Currently, there are medicines that help to reduce the production of milk. But such medications should be taken only after consultation with the doctor. Only a specialist can decide whether it is necessary to take the drug and calculate the desired dose. All these drugs have a number of side effects, because you can not buy them only at will, after the advice of friends.

For the baby, the period of weaning is associated with stress. He can become whimsical, cry. Mom should show patience, understanding, be affectionate, no matter what. In which case, a woman should be able to talk with loved ones and count on their support.