Breastfeeding Diet

Women who feed their newborn son or daughter with their breasts should closely monitor their diet, because during this period you can not eat all the dishes and foods. Some of the dishes can provoke allergic reactions in the crumb or disrupt the work of its digestive tract, so they should be used with extreme caution.

In addition, many young mothers tend to come to the form as soon as possible after the birth of the baby, so they also have to give up some favorite treats and dishes. In this article, we will tell you about whether a newborn needs a special diet while breastfeeding, and give a list of foods that should be avoided during this difficult period.

Diet for mother with breastfeeding

Contrary to popular belief, it is not usually necessary to follow a strict diet for breastfeeding. In fact, most of the dishes and foods are necessary for both young mother and baby, however, they should be used correctly.

In particular, during the period of breastfeeding, especially in the first months, it is highly recommended not to eat fried foods. It is much better to give preference to the methods of cooking in the oven or a couple. In addition, from certain types of meat and other foods with high fat content during the natural feeding time, crumbs should be discarded.

Nursing mothers in all cases it is recommended to choose the rabbit, turkey or chicken meat. It is also allowed to eat beef, but only if it is not too greasy, and only if prepared in an oven or a double boiler. The use of meat broths during lactation should also be ruled out completely or minimized. All soups should be prepared on vegetable broths, made from frozen or fresh vegetables.

In the morning, do not exclude from your diet delicious and nutritious cereals, which, however, it is highly recommended not to cook on cow's milk. Since a large number of newborn babies are lactase intolerant, all cereals must be cooked on water, and cereal crops such as rice, buckwheat and corn should be preferred.

In addition, any diet with breastfeeding, including hypoallergenic, must necessarily include fresh fruits and vegetables. Nevertheless, the choice of these products should be treated with extreme caution, especially if the baby has a tendency to manifest allergic reactions of various kinds.

To avoid them, it is recommended to start with the introduction of green varieties of apples and pears peeled into the ration of the nursing mother, and then smoothly add other types of fruits and vegetables, carefully watching the individual reaction of the baby. In case of its absence, the consumed portion of a given product can be carefully and gradually increased.

Of course, canned food, smoked meat, overly spicy seasonings and all sorts of exotic dishes is better to postpone until the end of the lactation period. In addition, if the baby suffers from colic and constipation, his mother's diet during breastfeeding should not include any products that can provoke an increase in gassing in the intestine. So, at this time a woman can not eat any leguminous crops and white cabbage.

All other products can be accurately entered into the menu of the nursing mother, carefully noting in a special diary how the baby reacted. Meanwhile, before the execution of a crumb 6 months, you should exercise special care.

During the meal, you can follow the following table: