Stagnation of milk during breastfeeding

Stagnation of milk , which occurs in women with breast-feeding children, is a fairly common problem for young mothers. However, in some mothers it happens almost every month, and some people avoid this problem. In any case, when a woman knows how to cope with stagnation, then this problem can be solved within a day.

The process of milk stagnation in the chest was called lactostasis. This phenomenon occurs because of a violation of the movement of milk along the ducts of the breast. As a rule, thus formed the so-called milk plug, which completely blocks the yield of newly formed milk. Around this plug is observed swelling of the tissues, which leads to an increase in the gland in size and is accompanied by pain. Moreover, the pain does not appear immediately, which in many cases does not allow us to detect lactostasis at its first stages. The first sign of stagnation of milk in the breast of a nursing mother is the formation of a seal in the chest, which can be easily felt.


The causes of lactostasis are numerous and different. For example, this complication can occur when the baby is fed constantly in one position, as well as with the mother's habit of sleeping on one side. As a rule, lactostasis is localized in the axillary region.

Often the cause of stagnation may be shy underwear. In addition, lactostasis can develop and against the background of a poor general condition of the mother, caused by fatigue, frustration, lack of sleep.


The first symptom of milk stagnation is the appearance of densification in the breast, as a rule, it is initially painless, which sometimes does not allow to detect it in time. Only after a few hours there are aching pains. At the same time, the breast swells and swelling forms. In severe cases, the temperature may rise to subfebrile digits.


Women, faced with this problem, often ask the question: "How to treat stagnation of breast milk, and what should be done?".

The first thing to do is change the position of the baby during breastfeeding. Often, young moms, unable to correctly apply the baby to the chest, pinch the gland, because of which the baby sucks the milk not completely. In order to better navigate, a woman should pay attention to where the child's chin is pointed during feeding. As a rule, he indicates from which part of the breast the baby sucks the milk more intensively.

When milk is stagnant in the upper lobe, it is often necessary to put the baby to the breast in the following position: put the baby on its legs and bend over to it so that the breast is in a suspended state. With the stagnation of milk in the lower lobe, it is possible to cope with the feeding of the child in the sitting position on the lap of the mother, if the child is not yet sitting, to keep it in an upright position.

When treating milk stagnation in the mammary glands, it is necessary to try to apply the baby to the breast more often. In particular, the chest in which stagnant phenomena are observed to give the first. Feed your baby better in small portions, but every 2 hours. In severe cases, it may be necessary to express the milk, after which the chest should be applied a cold compress for several minutes. It is not recommended to carry out expressing more often 3 times a day.

Not bad with stagnation cope and folk remedies: a leaf of cabbage, cottage cheese. For a compress with cabbage, its sheet is pre-beaten slightly beforehand so that it can start the juice. Apply such a compress for a time not more than 20 minutes.

In the event of stagnation of breast milk after the mother has completely stopped breastfeeding, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs that suppress the remaining lactation.