How long to breastfeed?

There is nothing more useful and more valuable for a baby's health than a mother's milk. With this it is difficult not to agree. In each period of its development the child receives a balanced set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, as well as antibodies. No artificial mixture can boast of such a composition. In addition, both mothers and toddlers receive incomparable pleasure from the process of feeding, their psychological and emotional ties are strengthened. However, sooner or later all good ends. And if for our mothers the question of how much it is necessary to breast-feed the child, decided the labor code, then today every woman chooses how much to breastfeed her baby.

How long does it take to breastfeed? It is believed that the baby needs to breastfeed the first six months of his life. Pediatricians are advised to extend this period, at least up to 12 months. The World Health Organization recommends that you remain breastfeeding until the child is at least 2 years old. Today many mothers are inclined to feed the kids much longer - up to 3-5 years. It is considered fashionable to feed before self-excommunication. However, this scheme is not acceptable for everyone. In addition, young women often listen to the advice of grandmothers and mothers - to feed a maximum of one year.

In general, it is up to the mother to decide how much to breastfeed the baby. If she wants to, and to that there are no obstacles, she can safely feed and up to a year, and up to three years. The optimal age for completing breastfeeding is 1-1.5 years. Before making a decision, consult a pediatrician. Remember that no matter how hard you decide to breast-feed, you can not wean a child if:

How much breastfeeding you will be prompted by intuition, the main criterion here is the child's health, his and your willingness to complete breastfeeding.