Emotional dullness

The syndrome of emotional dullness in psychiatry is also called "affective dullness" or "emotional impoverishment". For such a state is characterized by a decrease in the level of emotions , loss of ability for subtle feelings and experiences. The person retains primitive reactions and the manifestation of emotions associated only with the satisfaction of the basic instincts, but deep emotional experiences disappear.

The manifestation and causes of emotional dullness

Emotional stupidity manifests itself in excessive coldness towards people, lack of sincere sympathy and empathy even for close relatives and friends. In extreme pathological cases, the patient has complete emotional devastation, absolute indifference, the borderline state of "paralysis of emotions."

The cause of emotional stupidity in relation to people are serious mental disorders, most often caused by physiological or organic pathologies of the cerebral cortex. Such a mental disorder is characteristic of the initial stages of schizophrenia. The danger of this state lies in the threat of complete indifference and indifference, that is, an absolute loss of emotional connection with the world around us.

With the development of schizophrenia in patients there is a gradual blunting in the sphere of emotional experiences and feelings. Often, in the process of increasing coldness and indifference, the patient manifests a syndrome of extreme vulnerability, known in psychiatry as "the phenomenon of wood and glass."

This factor is due to the fact that people of the schizoid type have poorly developed mental defense and its vulnerability is a protective reaction that compensates for its emotional coldness. In addition to schizophrenia, the cause of the development of affective flattening of emotions can traumatic brain damage and depression .

Treatment of emotional dullness depends on the reasons that led to its occurrence. If this syndrome occurs in young children, it is necessary to seek help from a child psychiatrist. Modern methods developed at the junction of medicine and pedagogy, allow you to adjust and align the child's condition.

In an adult, treatment should begin with a study of the brain and central nervous system, testing and analysis of behavioral factors. Only on the basis of the analysis of all factors treatment is appointed, which depending on the form and degree of the disease can have a long-term character.