Bloating - causes and treatment of folk remedies

With this trouble, it must have happened to everyone. About means against a meteorism often and much speak on the TV. But fortunately, regardless of the causes of bloating, the problem can be treated with folk and natural remedies. Alternative medicine knows an impressive number of recipes that eliminate the accumulating gases very quickly and completely painlessly for the body.

Causes of flatulence

Usually, bloating begins against a background of digestive disorders. The meteorism is almost always accompanied by a feeling of terrible discomfort, a feeling of bursting. In addition, people suffering from gas significantly increase in size belly, which for many of the fair sex is comparable to this tragedy.

Meteorism can develop for various reasons. Most often think about how to get rid of bloating folk remedies, those who do not follow their diet. There are products that are very difficult to mix with each other. So, for example, many fruits need to be eaten either one hour before a meal, or two after.

There are other reasons:

  1. Negative effects on the body are caused by meals on the fly. If there is too fast, large portions of air will enter the stomach, in addition to food.
  2. You can not lean on sweet and butter. In such products, many carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body, and subsequently become the cause of fermentation and increased gas generation, respectively.
  3. Folk remedies for gassing and bloating may be required for people who abuse carbonated drinks.
  4. Sometimes flatulence develops after treatment with heartburn soda. The latter helps to get rid of one problem, but at the same time neutralizes the acidic environment in the stomach and promotes increased gas production.
  5. Expansion may also appear due to the ingestion of a large amount of starch or fiber.

Treatment of bloating with folk remedies is also required for certain diseases:

  1. At a dysbacteriosis the balance of microflora is seriously broken, and favorable conditions for duplication of pathogenic microorganisms are created. They produce gases.
  2. Patients with pancreatitis swelling pains constantly.
  3. Celiac disease is a rare disease, but sometimes it also occurs. The disease manifests itself as flatulence, and its cause is in incomplete splitting of gluten.

How to treat bloating with folk remedies?


  1. The most affordable medicine is Activated Carbon. Pairs of pills will be enough to clear the symptoms of flatulence. And because the pills consist only of natural ingredients, they do not harm the body.
  2. A common folk remedy for treating gas with bloating is the seeds of dill or cumin. A small handful of them should be cut into small pieces, pour boiling water and leave for a few hours. The ready infusion is filtered and taken half the glass once an hour.
  3. Similarly, a chamomile broth is prepared and operated. Only need to drink it much less - no more than a couple of tablespoons before meals four times a day. This will help not only to get rid of flatulence, but also to strengthen immunity in general.
  4. Not the most pleasant, but very fast-acting folk remedy for the treatment of bloating - garlic. The teeth should be dried and finely chopped or ground. This medication is used inside in very small amounts - at the tip of the knife.
  5. Effective bitter wormwood with honey. The infusion of taste is quite specific, but it is useful. Drink it should be three tablespoons before eating.