Electrolysis at home

The essence of electrolysis is that the hair follicles are destroyed by an electrical impulse. For this, a special needle is inserted into the hair bulb.

The procedure is rather long, painful, and requires a certain skill, so it is better to conduct it in salons, with specialists. However, due to the relatively high cost of many, the issue of conducting it at home is of interest.

To carry out electrolysis at home, you need to purchase the device, carefully study the instructions and first of all make sure that you do not have contraindications for this procedure.

Contraindications for electrolysis

In general, this method of hair removal is considered very reliable and effective, but there are a number of serious contraindications:

Also, a contraindication to the procedure may be a sharp inflammation or suppuration at the site of hair removal after the first session, poor healing, the appearance of scars.

Apparatus for electroepilation

There are three types of apparatus for carrying out such a procedure, depending on the type of their effect on the hair.

  1. Electrolysis. The hair bulb is destroyed under the influence of current.
  2. Thermolysis. The follicle is destroyed by exposure to temperature.
  3. Blend. Combined electrical and temperature effects are applied.

How does electrolysis at home?

Here are some rules for safe and effective electroepilation:

  1. During the procedure, the length of the hairs should be at least 4 mm so that they can be clearly seen.
  2. In order not to infect the infection, the skin must be pre-treated with an alcohol-containing solution or 2% salicylic acid solution.
  3. Since the procedure is painful, an hour before it is carried out, the site on which it will be carried out, epilation should be anesthetized. To do this, usually use a gel with lidocaine or emla cream.
  4. The needle of the device is inserted for a few seconds in the base of the hair, and you need to get as accurate as possible. Each hair is necessary to process, therefore the procedure also lasts long.
  5. At home, you can conduct electroepilation of the legs, hands and bikini zone. Independently to carry out epilation of armpits and the face is not recommended, since it is very likely to touch lymph nodes or nerve endings.
  6. To completely get rid of unwanted hair, it can take up to 5-6 sessions, with an interval of several days.
  7. After the hair removal, red spots appear on the skin, which can be itchy and inflamed, but usually go away in 7-9 days.

Attention! Incorrectly performed procedure can cause the appearance of scars.