Diet of Aliana Gobozova

Many young mothers know how it is difficult to regain their former forms. Some people take months to do this, or even years of hard work on themselves. All the more surprising is the successful transformation of Aliana Gobozova , who literally a few weeks after the birth of her son regained an ideally slender body. The secret of losing weight of Aliane Gobozovoy is simple - it's a rational approach to your diet and allowable physical activity.

How has Aliana Gobozova lost weight?

Let us consider the diet of Aliane Gobozova in more detail. It is based on the principles of proper nutrition:

  1. Most of the daily ration is boiled, baked or stewed vegetables, and the use of potatoes is limited, and legumes are completely excluded from the diet.
  2. Must be present in the menu of lean meat: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. It can be baked, boiled, made soups and steam cutlets.
  3. Do not forget about dairy products of medium fatness - in fact it is a source of protein and calcium, so necessary for a young mother and her baby. Exception - kefir, this sour milk product provokes gas formation, and can cause a colic in the child. It is better to replace it with a low-fat ryazhenka or varenets.
  4. From sweets and flour it is better to refuse completely, replacing them with fresh and dried fruits.
  5. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fats: from butter, it is better to refuse altogether, giving preference to vegetable: olive, linen and sunflower.
  6. The food should be 4-5 times a day. The most caloric meals are breakfast, lunch.
  7. Dinner 4 hours before bedtime. Immediately before bedtime - a weak tea with milk, or sour milk product.
  8. And, of course, the correct drinking regime, because a nursing mother should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. This may be a weak black or green tea, freshly squeezed juice, unsweetened fruit drink or compote, water.

In addition to rational nutrition, physical activities are necessary: ​​at first it can be active walks with a stroller - sitting on a bench at the entrance to a harmonious figure can not be returned. Therefore, the wheelchair in hand and walk as fast as possible with the child. After 2-3 months, if there are no contraindications, you can enter the gym and enter the gym.

Adhering to these simple rules, which, in general, can not be called a diet, Aliana Gobozova restored the figure: now her weight is 55 kg, with the growth of 177 centimeters.