Diet for jaundice

Whatever jaundice is caused, the mechanism for its elimination runs through proper nutrition. In this respect, there is only one rule: to maximally unload the liver, give it a break and restore its natural forces.

Nutrition for jaundice: what to exclude?

First of all, nutrition with mechanical jaundice, like any other, requires the rejection of a number of products that heavily load the liver and will be very inappropriate:

Mechanical jaundice requires a strict diet, and the slightest deviation from this list can do you a disservice. Be sure to be careful and do not use these products, it's best to hang their list directly on the refrigerator. The diet after jaundice requires compliance with the same rules for another 1-3 weeks.

Diet for jaundice

Prohibitions are quite a lot, and at first glance it may seem that you can not eat at all. However, it is not. The menu should be made up of such products:

The diet for jaundice in adults and children is the same. It is important to take fresh, warm food, and a hot, cold or warmed up dish in this case can be harmful.