Tread on toes - how to get rid of?

Dry calluses represent parts of the horny skin. They arise because of a violation of blood circulation in these areas as a consequence of constant pressure and rubbing. As a result, solid on the toes are formed on the toes - how to get rid of them is important to find out at an early stage of the problem. Dry calluses can provoke inflammation and pain, and they are a favorable environment for the development of foot fungus.

How to prevent the formation of footprints on the toes?

Prevention of the pathology in question consists in observing simple rules:

  1. Shoes with high heels or completely flat soles are worn infrequently and not for long.
  2. Regularly take care of the feet, do emollient baths and remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis, moisturize and nourish the skin daily.
  3. Give preference to comfortable, soft shoes with a heel 3-5 cm with a large toe.
  4. To put in shoes orthopedic or silicone insoles, preventing rubbing.
  5. Use socks made from natural materials.

How quickly to remove the burrs on the toes?

The easiest way is to entrust the feet to professionals, enrolling in a beauty salon for a pedicure session. With the help of the apparatus and various attachments, the wizard will gently and painlessly remove the dry callus, and then polish the horny areas of the skin without leaving a trace.

Also there are ways how to get rid of a burr on the big and any other toe independently:

1. Pumice and trowels for the feet. After a 30-minute warm bath with salt or soda, the dry skin of the foot will soften, and it will be easily removed with household pedicure aids. At the end of the procedure, you should lubricate the treated areas with a nutritious cream.

2. Keratolytic means. They are available in the form of ointments, creams, gels and special adhesive plasters. Usually, these drugs contain salicylic acid. For example:

3. Natural recipes. Traditional medicine offers many options for treating dry calluses, the best of them will be discussed below.

Glycerin Lotion


Preparation and use

After a warm softening tray, carefully treat the corns with a mixture of these ingredients. Repeat the procedure daily, preferably in the evening.

Night Ointment


Preparation and use

Rub the egg with the rest of the ingredients, put the mixture in the refrigerator for 12 hours. In the evening make a hot bath for feet, abundantly apply the obtained ointment on dry calluses. Treat the treated areas with a bandage (not very tight), put on loose cotton socks, leave the product on the skin for the whole night. In the morning just wash your feet, keratinized skin will easily come down by itself.

Instead of the usual moisturizer, folk healers are advised to use castor oil. It helps exfoliate dead cells and renew the epidermis.

How to treat painful natoptysis on toes?

If dry areas turn into cores, call for inflammation, swelling, redness and pain, it is better not to experiment with home therapy. In such situations, only a specialist will tell you how to remove the toothed on the toe.

Among modern methods of fighting the described pathology, laser treatment is considered to be the most effective. It is painless and fast, provides relief from dry calluses in just 1 session. In addition, laser therapy helps to cope even with neglected serious natoptys.