Plinth panels for finishing the facade of the house

The basement of the house should always be given special attention, it primarily suffers from rain, melting snow, accidental mechanical damage, temperature fluctuations. To protect against all these troubles, there are many varieties of finish coating. Here we will take a closer look at a relatively new but already quite popular material - socle façade panels with all the necessary properties for this purpose.

What are the plinth panels?

In fact, we are dealing with decorative polypropylene plates, which are made by casting. Using different shapes, you can get the most original texture of the decorative face of the siding. The most often used for finishing are panels that imitate natural stone, wood, antique or modern ceramic tiles, various types of brickwork.

Why it is necessary to purchase socle panels for the facade:

  1. Polymers, which are used for the production of this finishing material, are normally tolerated, both by intense heat and frosty climate.
  2. There is a huge choice of socle siding , which makes it possible to choose the front panels to your liking. For example, now there are no big difficulties in buying a material for any brand of domestic or imported brick, beautifully trim the walls with a coating for granite, quartzite, malachite or sandstone.
  3. If the tree often suffers from fungus , insects or mold, then the socle panels for finishing the facade of the house are completely immune to these harmful organisms.
  4. Siding, purchased from a good manufacturer, does not crack with time, it will keep an interesting and presentable appearance for a long time.
  5. In the end, we will give one more important advantage of using the plinth trim panels - it's an opportunity to insulate the facade of your house without problems and save a lot of money on energy carriers afterwards.