Organic personality disorder

Head trauma, multiple sclerosis, or a transmitted infection can lead to an organic personality disorder. After a certain period of time, the patient's behavior is subject to significant changes and, if you do not consult a specialist, the consequences of the disease will be difficult to predict.

The origin of

As stated earlier, the cause of the birth of this personality disorder is the suffered craniocerebral trauma, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, or somatic disorders. But in order to diagnose this disease, in addition to the existing brain diseases, it is important to have at least two or three of the following characteristics:

Symptoms of organic personality disorder

Symptoms do not appear until 6 months after the onset of the disease. They are manifested in the fact that:

In later development, emotional apathy is observed, control over personal motives is lost.

Organic personality disorder and behavior

As a result, a person is able to commit crimes that could not previously have been attributed to his character. Forensic psychiatrists note the development in patients with cerebral status (most often it occurs when trauma of the anterior lobe of the brain). It is worth summarizing that the distinctive feature of the behavior is the inability to plan, to anticipate the consequences of personal actions.

Treatment of organic personality disorder

First of all, the actions of the attending physician will be directed to the factor that triggered the appearance of the disorder. It is not excluded the treatment options through psychopharmacological therapy.

At the same time, the therapist prescribes recommendations to help the patient avoid the difficulties associated with communication and work.