How to love yourself for real?

Any recommendations to a girl who wants to become more attractive, starts with advice to gain self-confidence and love yourself for who you are. But how to do it and what does it mean to love yourself for real? We will now talk about this.

Why you can love yourself?

Before you disassemble ways how you can love yourself for real, you should understand what it means. Does loving oneself mean to consider oneself better than everyone, to become arrogant and inaccessible? No, it's only an awareness of one's own femininity and attractiveness, this is the complete acceptance of your figure and features. But at the same time you should clearly know about your shortcomings, but do not punish yourself for their presence, and love yourself with them - because no one is perfect.

How to love yourself for real?

Do not think that the advice "how to love yourself" is distributed only by the narrow-minded gossips. Psychology tells us the same thing - lack of self-love, it's understated self-esteem and a lot of complexes, which naturally does not make a person happy. So, we found out that a woman should love herself, but how to love yourself and do it from the point of view of psychology, we now will disassemble.

  1. Learn to look at yourself in the mirror with pleasure. If you like something about yourself, talk about it, referring to your reflection in the mirror. If you are dissatisfied with something, also say this, but try to find in your shortcomings the pros.
  2. In everyday life we ​​make many victories over our habits, over our laziness and other things. Learn to praise yourself even for such small achievements.
  3. Convincing your reflection in the mirror that it is beautiful, do not forget to believe it yourself. You are the only beautiful person, both physically and spiritually. You can be any kind of like any other girl, but still you are unique, the other does not exist, and for this alone you are worthy of love.
  4. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you should not say "Jay Lo's priest is more beautiful, and Angelina Jolie's waist is thinner, and I'm not at all like that, so I'm ugly." Nothing like this! Stop going on about some fictional standards of beauty, after all, what you see on the covers can be beautiful, but it's not alive, not real, and therefore losing much of its attractiveness. You are wonderful because the real attractive girl - you are thousands of times better. And to make sure that you can look at the photo no worse, run your best photo through Photoshop. Well, if the magazine beauties saw this, they would have been struck with envy, right?
  5. Stop thinking "but if I do this and see how other people look at me." Just do what you want (the main thing is that it does not go beyond the law), enjoy it and enjoy every minute you have lived.
  6. Everyone has bad memories where we look or behave in a bad way. So in the furnace are such "pages of shame", you do not need them. Maybe you made a mistake somewhere, so what! None of the people is imperfect, everyone has the right to do so. In the end, it's not the one who does not make mistakes, but the one who does not try to correct his mistakes. And yes, there are no mistaken people - if a person says that he never had such a thing, then he either lies, or has an artificial intelligence, or did nothing worthwhile for his life.
  7. Like to be photographed and buy yourself new clothes. Get used to the fact that you in any position and image look charming. Pampering yourself and telling yourself compliments is not a crime.
  8. Communicate more often, especially with people of the opposite sex. Learn to properly accept compliments, do not be embarrassed and do not think that a person praised you just because he needs something from you. You have been complimented because they admire your beauty, only in this way and in no other way.

Remember, only by learning to love yourself, you will notice how much others love you. Yes, this will not happen immediately, universal love will not collapse overnight, but it will surely be, believe me.