Is there a Queen of Spades?

Since ancient times, there are many different beliefs and traditions, but not all consider them to be true. In most cases, people treat them like myths. In our time, modern science denies the existence of the other world, but there are people who are fascinated by various mystical phenomena. In a person's life, there are questions that, sometimes, he can not find an answer. One such question is whether there is a Queen of Spades, about which the most terrible stories go.

Who is the Queen of Spades?

Let's first figure out who the Queen of Spades is and what this horror character is.

Based on folk tales, we can conclude that the Queen of Spades and the truth exists, and it is not very pleasant essence. There are people who believe that communication with it can be used to perform a certain ritual of divination.

From the ancient Middle Ages, it came to us a very strange belief that the Queen of Spades is not just a card from a playing deck, but also a certain demonic creature.

Is there a Queen of Spades or not?

The Queen of Spades always has a characteristic appearance, which is somewhat like a fortune-teller or a young sorceress. Sometimes it is depicted as a girl with dark hair, beautiful appearance, but with some kind of detached and rather frightening expression. Those people who managed to summon the Queen of Spades describe it in very different ways, so there's no possibility of saying with certainty what it looks like.

A card from the playing deck of the Queen of Spades is associated with a witch who brought misfortunes and troubles. And today among the people go all kinds of terrible stories of those who claimed to have met with this being.

There is a certain category of people who are carried away by otherworldly forces. So they may be able to answer the question of whether the Queen of Spades really exists, as they have repeatedly tried to call her and, as they themselves say, they did it.

How to summon a Queen of Spades?

To find out if there is a Queen of Spades, you can try to call her. To do this, at midnight for 5-10 minutes before 00:00 you need to take a scarlet lipstick and draw a mirror on the mirror, at the top of which there will be a door. Also near it is necessary to put a wet towel, which is used to wipe the ladder. The ritual is performed with the light turned off, and a candle lights up in front of the mirror. You can not talk. Exactly at 00:00 you need to peer into the mirror and loudly say three times the phrase: "Queen of Spades, come!"

If everything is done correctly, a figure of the girl will appear in the mirror. After it appears, you need to quickly erase the ladder with a towel to prevent it from appearing in our world.