How to call Charlie for real?

The Internet has become an integral part of people's lives and everyone finds something interesting in it. Popular among the youth are various occult games, so many are interested in how to call Charlie, who can give answers to all the exciting issues.

Who is Charlie?

There is no exact description of who Charlie is, but there is a suggestion that he is from Mexico. According to the legend, his life ended early because of the tragic events. The boy, during his lifetime, differed in his heavy character and continues to show his temper after his death. There is an opinion that the spirit of Charlie is cursed, so he should come to the call of people and answer any questions truthfully. According to another version Charlie is a demon living on the Earth. All these stories only excite imagination , creating a big stir around this image.

What does Charlie look like?

Since the ritual of calling the spirit does not involve a meeting and direct contact with it, there are no exact descriptions of its external appearance. There are people who often use Charlie's services, and they assure that they have seen the spirit in the mirror and reflect other objects. There are several assumptions about how the spirit of Charlie looks like, as many describe him as a small boy with a dark face and a displeased grimace. There is a version that it is like a dark shadow and it is impossible to consider any features.

How to call Charlie for real?

You can find many reports that the ritual of calling the spirit does not work, but this may be the result of improper preparation for its conduct. In the instructions on how to call Charlie, the following points are indicated:

  1. From the room where the ritual will be performed, it is necessary to remove all carpeting, equipment and other new-fangled objects. This is explained by the fact that in ancient Mexico, when Charlie lived, there were simple poor huts, and the spirit might get scared and not respond.
  2. It is recommended to place in a room a simple jug of water, a bowl of fruit and use other objects familiar to Christians to create a pleasant atmosphere.
  3. Charlie's challenge should be in complete solitude and silence. It is important to turn off all electrical appliances.
  4. It is recommended that you first try to immerse yourself in the Mexican atmosphere, for example, read books about this country or watch videos or movies.
  5. To the ghost Charlie got in touch, include Mexican music, which combines guitar and tambourine.

How to call Charlie at home in the afternoon?

The best time to call the spirit is the night, and it's better to start the ritual at midnight. The greatest magical power is possessed by the full moon days. If there is no such possibility, then one can summon the spirit in the daytime, but only need to close the curtains tightly to create a mysterious atmosphere. There are rules how to call Charlie:

  1. On the floor instead of the carpet it is recommended to spread the mat and hang in the room a lot of onions, garlic and hot pepper.
  2. Be sure to put a drum next to you, even if it is a toy.
  3. Divide the paper into four equal zones and write "yes" and "no" to them. Note that the same words should be arranged diagonally. In the center of the sheet, place the pencils perpendicular to each other.
  4. Turn on the music and try to tune in to the right wave, getting rid of extraneous thoughts. After that start in the rhythm of Mexican music to beat the drum and sing the presented plot.
  5. The instructions on how to evoke the spirit of Charlie, it is stated that if he got in touch, then a rustle will sound and hair on his head will start to move.
  6. Say hello and ask a question or ask for a wish . After this, you need to wait for the pencils to start moving and show the answer.

How to get rid of Charlie?

Psychics and people who possess magical abilities assure that if the ritual of calling the spirit was made with errors, then he can remain living next to a person, spoiling his life. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to drive Charlie away. It's very simple - at the end of the ritual, be sure to thank the spirit and say goodbye to it. It is important to follow the instructions on how to properly call Charlie, show respect for the spirit and avoid aggression, so as not to offend him.

Is Charlie there or not?

There are no scientific confirmations of the existence of spirits, but many inexplicable things make one believe that they can appear. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether Charlie exists or not. As for the phenomenon of pencil shift, it can be explained scientifically, using the laws of physics. Pencils lying on top of each other represent an unstable structure, and even a slight breeze can make it move. In addition, do not forget about the glow of emotions, which makes you believe in non-existent phenomena.