Bannik - who is it in Slavic mythology?

In Slavic mythology there are many spirits. Kind and evil, mean and strict, they accompanied every step of our ancestors in this unfriendly world. If you try to classify them, it will be most convenient to use the principle of space. There were spirits of forests and fields: dachshunds, forest lanes, field dogs. Water spirits: water, mermaid , swamp and the spirits of human habitation: house, drink, and, finally, a bath.

Who is a banner?

This creature has many names. Grandpa bathhouse, fat, bathhouse apostle - that's all he is. Bannik is one of the representatives of domestic evil spirits, living in a bathhouse and tied not only to the place, but also to the family owning it. In contrast to the mischievous but well-related to the people of the house, the bath-house is definitely an evil spirit. His favorite entertainment is to skin the person. There are many legends about how the spirit punished the unsuccessful ones.

Is there a banner?

Unequivocal answer to the question, whether there are banners and brownies , can not be given. In the modern rationalistic model of the universe their existence does not fit, but the similarity of rituals designed to appease the bannik in different regions of Russia and the Russian Empire can be an argument in favor of the existence of such spirits. The only thing in which the opinion of the peasants is different is the appearance of a banya.

What does a banner look like?

Folk fantasy did not give the banner a single image.

  1. In the Kaluga region he was represented as an ugly giant, appearing with a dirty broom under his arm.
  2. In the Olonets province it was believed that he was not tall, always barefoot, his hair was disheveled, and his eyes burned with fire.
  3. In the Novgorod province, the banner appeared as a black man with long hair.
  4. In most places, the bathhouse apostle was considered a werewolf, usually turning into a cat, a dog, a white rabbit or a man.

Another categorically affirms mythology - a bath-house spirit bath, always smelly. When they go to the bath in the morning and feel that the dog smells - it means the grandfather bath was washed at night. Also this spirit manifests itself in a howl, knocking and laughter from under the shelves. There is a story about how a banner that turned into a white cow, half to death, frightened the frenzied girls calling the grocer. At the same time in the bath, standing nearby, the girl got angry.

How to call a bannik?

At the usual time, with a bath grandfather, they preferred not to get involved. They also tell how he fettered the fingers of a girl with iron rings, who unintentionally asked for a ring, but at Christmas time the banner in Slavonic mythology became a spirit capable of predicting the future. To do this, it was necessary to go to the bathhouse at night, preferably after midnight, and bending down, to raise the hem.

  1. If the bannik strokes the back with a soft paw, the marriage will be good, and life as a whole will be successful.
  2. If the paw is dry and clawed - to live a fortune-teller in poverty and a shameful marriage.

According to some beliefs, a banner appears in the bath, in which at least birth occurred, but now it is not accepted to give birth at this place. Therefore, if you built a bathhouse and want a bath-grandfather to live there, the best option would be to make love there, so that the energy release attracted the spirit. Do not forget about the rituals designed to appease the bannik.

How to appease a banner?

All representatives of evil spirits are afraid of the cross and prayer, but it's forbidden to enter the bath with a cross. Reading prayers there is also not approved, therefore, in order not to get angry banners mythology offers the following ways to make friends with a dangerous spirit:

  1. Bathhouse can not stand a bath when someone washes in his time, so the third steam bath was left empty. Now for some reason it is believed that you can not wash in the fourth pair.
  2. It is necessary to leave a piece of soap, so that the bathhouse grandfather could wash himself.
  3. When in a new bath are washed for the first time, for a banner they take bread and salt. Leave them on the shelf.
  4. Sleeping in the baths was considered dangerous. But if there is such a need, we must politely ask permission from him: "Master, my father! Let me sleep tonight! "