How to quit drinking beer every day?

Beer alcoholism is harder to recognize than ordinary alcoholism. After all, the content of alcohol in beer is much lower than in wine or vodka, therefore it seems that this drink is more harmless and it can be consumed every day without any restrictions. However, this is a dangerous delusion. Beer can do exactly the same harm to the body as strong alcohol, cause addiction and destroy the personality of a person. Abuse of this drink adversely affects the appearance, the work of internal systems, the mental state, causes premature aging. Especially dangerous dependence on beer is for women who get rid of addiction is much more difficult than the representatives of the stronger sex. Realizing the problem, ladies often ask how to quit drinking beer every day, because to part with this bad habit yourself and in a flash, not all are capable. If you regularly relieve stress after a day of work with a couple of bottles of beer, if you can not relax without it, if you are after a hangover in the morning, if you drink at least one liter of weak alcohol a day, then it's urgent to take action.

How can a woman quit drinking beer every day?

The first important step is to realize the presence of the problem: a woman should honestly tell herself that she is dependent on alcohol and can not simply give it up. Then the following measures should be taken:

How to stop drinking beer for a woman - folk remedies

Sufficiently effective in many cases are the methods of traditional healers, so to get rid of beer alcoholism, you can try something from the arsenal of alternative medicine. For example, herbal medicine - so you can not only remove cravings for beer, but also neutralize the harm that the alcoholic beverage has already caused your body. You can buy the necessary phytogens in any pharmacy and they are very inexpensive.

  1. Take 5 pieces of whole bay leaves with petioles, pour boiling water in a thermos, insist for a day. Then the broth is poured into glassware and begin to take every day in half a glass, in which a spoon of vegetable oil is added. In two weeks you will feel a strong aversion to any kind of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Place half a glass of peeled pumpkin seeds in 200 ml of vodka and insist for 2 weeks. Then take this tincture on a tablespoon every day.
  3. Prepare a decoction of St. John's wort and yarrow: pour 5 tablespoons of raw material with boiling water and after cooling strain. Take 2 tablespoons before meals.

Can I lose weight if I stop drinking beer?

A good motivation for solving the problem of how to stop drinking beer for a girl, a woman, is the desire to get rid of excess weight. Beer is a very high-calorie drink, one liter contains as many calories as in a pack of butter. In addition to the drink, the most useful snacks are almost always attached. If you get rid of a bad habit, then a week without any diets can be reset to 3 kg.