The Ausborg Gorge

Iceland does not cease to amaze with its unique beauty of nature. One of the most mysterious places is the canyon of Ausbirga. It is located closer to the north-eastern part of the island itself. Not far from it you can see one more important sights: Akureyri and Husavik .

The Ausborga gorge refers to one of the main places of interest that are part of the Yekulsaurgluvur National Park. This park is one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions. If you are in this amazing place, then you will always have only warm, unforgettable sensations, as well as wonderful photos. By the way, the northern part of Iceland can not be called the most visited, in comparison with the southern one. However, this area is not inferior in number to the incredible and stunning places of interest, which attract tourists.

Verily, all connoisseurs of the special natural places of Iceland singled out the Ausborgs and believe that this is one of the most beautiful places that are located in the northern part, if not to say that the most beautiful.

History of the Ausbirgh Gorge

Ausborga gorge attracts by its unusual appearance. Many see similarities to the shape of the horseshoe. As the legend says, the canyon of Ausbirga got such form at the moment when, according to Scandinavian mythology, the octopus horse Odin stepped on this place with one foot. Since then, in this place is located the canyon.

Very interesting story of the origin and formation of this canyon. It began to form due to the glacial floods of the river Jekülsau-Au-Fiedlüm. These floods arose only two times after the end of the ice age. At present, the river Jekülsau-Au-Fiedlüm flows a little east, two kilometers from here.

Ausborga Gorge - description

The length of the canyon reaches 3.5 km, and the width is 1.1 km. But in the height of the canyon wall reach 100 m. In its middle part you can see a kind of separation of the two parts, which are formed by 25-meter rock formations with clear vertical walls. These parts are called "Eyjan", which means "island".

The canyon is widely located near Dettifoss - a waterfall in Iceland.

From the side of the coast you will see amazing picturesque cliffs, as well as a view of the canyon itself. In the canyon you can expect a vast array of powerful hexagonal pillars. You will have an amazing opportunity to even stroll along the trampled paths. Also in the canyon is a small camping. A nearby lake is located, which is worthy of tourists only admiration and the desire to immediately get cameras. This place is inhabited for a long time by numerous ducks and bird nests. Every tourist considers it his duty to capture this amazing place in memory.

If a person were looking for a piece of paradise on earth, then this place could ideally be approached.

How to get to the Ausborga gorge?

You can get to Ausborg through the cities of Husavik and Akureyri. These are the nearest places through which you can reach the canyon. Ausborga is on the ring road at number one. This road describes exactly the whole coast of Iceland .

Very often tourists begin their tourist journey from the city of Husavik . Of course, the next point is the canyon of Ausbirga. Many can take advantage of the excursion on horseback. This is a rather unusual way for a tourist to see the gorge. And at a cost quite adequate and affordable - only 50 euros for two hours. But you can see from the height of the forest open spaces with a crystal clear lake.