Sea buckthorn tea - recipes and methods of harvesting raw materials for the preparation of a useful beverage

Sea-buckthorn tea, the recipe of which is especially relevant in the cold season, for many is one of the favorite warming drinks. It can be cooked from sea-buckthorn leaves, fresh, frozen, dried berries, or by using all kinds of preparations with her participation.

How to dry sea buckthorn leaves for tea?

Often in cooking, along with berries, sea buckthorn leaves are used for tea. They can be used fresh or procured for future use and use a useful product for cooking valuable food all year round.

  1. The sea buckthorn leaves are the most fragrant and useful if you collect them for drying from the middle of June to the end of July.
  2. At the time of ripening and collecting berries, the leaves are not recommended to be collected: it is believed that at this time the level of their useful properties is significantly reduced.
  3. Tear off the leaves in dry sunny weather, not allowing complete denudation of branches, and select only juicy, whole and without damage copies.
  4. Dry leaves in the shade, in a ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight.
  5. As soon as the sheets become brittle - drying is over. You can combine raw materials in bags or dry jars for long-term storage.
  6. It is allowed to dry the sea buckthorn leaves in an oven or electric dryer at a temperature of no higher than 60 degrees.

How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter for tea?

In the off-season, when fresh berries are not available, they prepare tea from frozen sea-buckthorn. After thawing, it fully retains its original properties and taste and is the ideal raw material for preparing a drink.

  1. For frost, dense juicy berries are selected without damage, washed and spread on a towel to dry.
  2. After all the drops of moisture evaporate, place the berry mass with a thin layer on the sheet and place it for a day in the freezer.
  3. After complete freezing, the berry mass is poured into a bag or container for long-term storage.
  4. Frozen raw material like this does not stick together: it will only be necessary to scoop up a handful of berries and use it for its intended purpose, first defrosting it if necessary.

Tea with sea-buckthorn - healthy properties

A hot drink made of berries, like tea from sea buckthorn berries, whose benefits and harm can be caused by the elements contained in them, can be drunk to everyone without exception, except those who are allergic to the fruits of this plant or the intolerance of certain elements in their composition.

  1. Tea from the sea buckthorn leaves will help to cope with avitaminosis, scurvy or other diseases of the gums.
  2. The drink is indicated for relief from rheumatism, arthritis, gout and other joint diseases.
  3. The lion's share of all kinds of vitamins contained in berries will not be superfluous for strengthening immunity, improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails, stimulating metabolic processes and rejuvenating the body.
  4. Often using tea with sea buckthorn and leaves, you can improve your eyesight and strengthen the nervous system, and strengthen intestinal motility.
  5. Such tea drinking will help to eliminate bad cholesterol and slags from the body.
  6. Combining sea-buckthorn berries and berries with other herbs, fruits and spicy additives, you can not only improve the taste of the drink, but also make it even more useful for consumption.

How to prepare sea buckthorn tea?

To sea buckthorn tea brought not only a taste of pleasure, but also a benefit to the body, it must be properly cooked, retaining the most valuable properties of basic raw materials.

  1. The leaves are brewed traditionally in a porcelain or ceramic teapot, pre-rinsed with boiling water. The drink is allowed to stand for several minutes under the lid, after which it is served, if desired, sweetened to taste.
  2. If the base component is berries, they must be crushed first using a nonmetallic vessel and a wooden pestle.
  3. Berry mass is poured hot water (not boiling water) or pre-brewed black or green leaf tea, sweetened with honey or sugar.
  4. Tea with sea-buckthorn is a recipe that can be diversified by adding all kinds of spicy spices, fruits, spices, herbs.

Tea made from fresh sea-buckthorn

Simple sea-buckthorn tea is a recipe that can be performed solely on water, or using freshly brewed black or green tea as the basis. Instead of fresh berries, you can use "raw" jam. Adding just a couple of spoonfuls of billet in a cup with a drink, its taste and nutritional characteristics will have the desired effect.



  1. Grind berries in a non-metallic vessel with a pestle or a wooden tolstick.
  2. Pour berry mass with hot water or brewed tea.
  3. Sweeten tea from berries of sea-buckthorn to taste with sugar or honey.

Tea with sea-buckthorn and ginger - recipe

Sea-buckthorn tea, the recipe of which will be described below, is prepared with the addition of ginger root, which will give the drink an unusual piquancy, a peculiar ostrich and an amazing aroma. In addition, due to the addition, the nutritional value of the drink also increases, the use of which becomes even more preferable.



  1. Rub the peeled ginger root, put it in a brewer.
  2. There also send pre-prepared washed and grated in a mortar of sea-buckthorn berries.
  3. Pour the contents with hot water, leave under the lid for 10 minutes to infuse.
  4. Before serving, tea with sea-buckthorn and ginger flavored with sugar or honey.
  5. The drink is delicious and when served in a refrigerated form, as it perfectly quenches thirst and tones.

Tea with sea-buckthorn and honey

Useful sea-buckthorn tea with honey is indispensable for colds and is usually given in a warm form. It can be cooked from mashed fresh or frozen berries after thawing and, optionally, combined with leaves. Honey is laid in a cup with a drink after cooling down the contents to sixty degrees.



  1. Brew in a teapot black tea, filling it with boiling water and covering it with a lid.
  2. After 10 minutes add crushed berries of sea-buckthorn, leave for another 10 minutes.
  3. Serve sea buckthorn tea with liquid flower honey, adding a treat to the cup to taste.

Tea with sea-buckthorn and mint

Sea-buckthorn tea, a simple recipe of which you will learn further, is prepared with mint leaves, which will give the drink a characteristic refreshing taste and an incredible aroma. Often a drink is supplemented with slices of lemon or orange, and sweetened with honey. As a liquid base, both simple hot water and pre-brewed black tea are suitable.



  1. Black tea, mint leaves are added to the kettle, adding also orange and lemon slices.
  2. Pour the components with boiling water for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the berries of sea-buckthorn with honey, add to a slightly cooled infusion, stir and allow to stand for another 10 minutes.
  4. Serve sea-buckthorn tea with mint , having previously strained it through a sieve.

Sea-buckthorn tea with orange - recipe

Stunning aroma acquires cooked sea-buckthorn tea with orange . For saturation of taste use both juice, and a citrus of a citrus. An additional piquancy of the drink is gained by adding badon and a cinnamon stick. Sweeten the drink traditionally with flowery honey before serving.



  1. Two thirds of the total amount of sea buckthorn is ground with a pestle, adding orange juice and zest.
  2. They put a lot of weight in the kettle, throw cinnamon, tub and pour it all with boiling water.
  3. After 10 minutes, pour tea on glasses, add fresh berries of sea-buckthorn and honey to taste.

Tea with sea-buckthorn and lemon

Perhaps the most classic version of a valuable drink is sea-buckthorn tea with honey and lemon . Often, it is prepared on the basis of brewed black tea, adding additional ingredients to taste in each cup. A fragrant mixture can be made from fresh as well as from frozen sea buckthorn berries.



  1. In the kettle, traditional black tea is brewed.
  2. In the stupa, the sea-buckthorn berries are ground, adding honey and sliced ​​lemon, removing it from the bones.
  3. Transfer the resulting berry sweet mass into the brewer with the cooked tea, allow to stand for 10 minutes, filter and serve, if desired, adding more honey.

Sea-buckthorn tea with rosemary

Spicy sea-buckthorn tea, prepared according to the following recipe, is served in a hot, warm and chilled form. In addition to rosemary sprigs, the composition can be supplemented with starlets of badin with cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon stick. Not superfluous will be a fragrant mint, which you can take fresh or dried.



  1. Mash the berries of sea-buckthorn, pour boiling water, adding sprigs of rosemary.
  2. Leave tea to infuse under the lid.
  3. Sea-buckthorn tea with rosemary is a recipe that is sweetened with honey before serving.

Tea from the sea-buckthorn cake - recipe

Often after cooking jam from sea buckthorn seeds without pits or other desserts of this kind, a lot of sea-buckthorn cake remains, which can be effectively used for making compote or useful tea. It is brewed together with leaf black tea in the brew, supplementing if desired with other herbs and additives.



  1. The kettle is rinsed with boiling water, they put tea and sea-buckthorn cake in it.
  2. Pour everything warmed to a boil with water and allow to stand under the lid for 10 minutes.
  3. Serve tea from the sea-buckthorn cake, sweetening it with honey.