Third degree burn

Thermal burns are damage caused by contact with incandescent objects, flame, hot steam or liquid, prolonged exposure to solar radiation, etc. Depending on the duration of the effect of the damaging factor on the body tissues and its intensity, the depth of the lesion may be different. Proceeding from this, four degrees of thermal burns are distinguished. Consider what are the signs of a third degree burn, how to treat it and how much it heals.

Symptoms of a thermal burn of 3 degrees

Thermal damage of the third degree is divided into two categories.

Burns degree 3

In this case, the depth of the lesion affects the epidermis completely, as well as the superficial layers of the dermis. In this case, the main part of the basal or embryonic layer of the epidermis dies, in which all overlying skin layers grow. Veins remain deeper layers of the skin and their elements (sweat and sebaceous glands with ducts, hair follicles).

External manifestations can be different:

Pain and tactile sensitivity, as a rule, are reduced, but in some areas can be saved. The exact diagnosis is possible only in the course of monitoring the regeneration of the lesion.

Burns degree 3-b

With such damages, necrosis of the entire thickness of the skin is observed, and in some cases - subcutaneous tissue damage (complete or partial). The clinical picture, as in the previous case, can be different:

The pain and tactile sensitivity in this case is completely absent. In the affected areas blood circulation and metabolic processes are significantly impaired.

Consequences of burns of 3 degrees

The response of the body with deep burns of 3 degrees, affecting more than 10% of the body, can be a burn disease in which the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Burn shock - disorders of hemodynamics, leading to disruption of the functions of all body systems, including the central nervous system (lasts 12 to 48 hours).
  2. Burn toxemia - develops as a result of falling into the blood of the decomposition products of burned tissues (lasts 7 to 9 days).
  3. Burn septicotoxemia - the body's response to the vital activity of microorganisms in the wound (lasts up to several months).
  4. Restoration - begins after healing and purification of wounds.

Possible complications after third degree burns can be:

First aid for burns of 3 degrees:

  1. Eliminate the striking factor.
  2. Apply a clean damp cloth from cloth or gauze to the affected area.
  3. Take painkillers and sedatives (in extreme cases - antipyretic).
  4. Provide a plentiful drink (preferably slightly salted water).

Be sure to call an ambulance.

Treatment of a thermal burn of 3 degrees

With burns of 3 degrees, treatment is performed in a hospital with the appointment of the following medicines:

Dehydration therapy is also used, vaccination against tetanus is carried out. In severe cases, anti-shock therapy is performed, surgical intervention is performed, including skin transplantation.