Plum juice for the winter

Natural plum juice has bright saturated color, and its refreshing taste is pleasant to many pleasant sourish. This drink is very fragrant and tonic and also very useful.

How to make plum juice at home for the winter?



First rinse, dry and clean the plum from the bones and tails. Collect the sovokarku and put it on a stove, fill with water and wait until it boils. Then put the prepared plums in a colander, cover with a lid and place the appliance on a minimal fire. Place the clamp on the hose, and do not touch the device for the next hour.

At the end of the allotted time, place a juice container under the hose and remove the clamp. If the juice does not move through the tube, clamp the hose and continue to cook for another 10 minutes and try to drain the juice.

Now you can sweeten the half-finished juice. Boil the drink for about 5 minutes and start rolling in pre-prepared sterile containers.

Apple plum juice - recipe for the winter



First, wash the fruit well, remove pits, cores and other tails. Send fruit to the juicer , alternating plum slices with apple. Of this amount of ingredients comes about a liter of juice.

From the remaining pumper, cook the compote or bake a fragrant cake.

Penka can not clean, it does not hurt the juice. Pour it into a saucepan, add sugar, wait until it boils and turn off the fire. The juice is ready! Pour it over a sterile container and tightly seal it.

Plum-pear juice for the winter



Thoroughly rinse the pears and remove the peduncles, for convenience, cut the fruit into quarters. Wash the plums in cold water, cut into halves and remove the bones.

We install the juicer on the first mode, intended for soft fruit, and first send the plums there. Next, load the pears and in a few seconds you will have a wonderful aromatic juice. You can leave penka. Add the cinnamon, mix and the juice is ready!

To prepare this juice for the winter, pour it over sterilized jars, cover with lids and put in a large saucepan on a water bath. The juice in a small jar should boil for 15 minutes. Then roll up with a sterile lid and leave under the blanket for a slow cooling down.

This juice is kept in the cool for a long time, so boldly prepare it in large quantities. Also, the juice turns out to be quite concentrated, so in winter it can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Plum juice without sugar for the winter


For 1 liter of juice:


To start the plum you need to rinse well, remove the tails and bones. Then a convenient way to squeeze the juice. If you have a juicer, the process does not take long. You can use a meat grinder. To do this, pour the plum pulp through the finest strainer, heat the mass with minimal heat and first pass the mass through a sieve, and then squeeze the juice through the gauze sack. It takes time, but the result will be a very high quality drink.

Finished juice pour into an enamel saucepan, put on a minimal fire, if it seems to you that the juice is thick - add a glass of water. Wait for boiling, let boil a couple of minutes. Pour into sterilized bottles and pasteurize for 15 minutes at 85 degrees.