Seal in the form of a ball under the skin

Often, while washing in the shower or examining yourself in the mirror, women discover a small seal in the form of a ball under the skin. Such neoplasms can appear on any part of the body, but, as a rule, are localized on the hands, feet and face. Usually, such seals are benign, only in rare cases they are symptoms of cancer.

Seal on the skin of the trunk in the form of a ball

The described defects are of several varieties.


It is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts, as well as infection of wounds, foreign bodies in the skin, for example, when wearing piercings. In fact, atheroma is a cyst with a liquid or purulent content. Most often observed on the back, neck.


Also called a lipoma. It is a benign soft tissue tumor that has an elastic structure. It is easily probed under the skin, with palpation the tumor is mobile, painless.


Occurs because of the exit of the internal organs beyond the abdominal wall. It looks like a round large ball that protrudes with a vertical posture and disappears in the horizontal position of the body. Can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Cherry Angioma

It is a round smooth cone of dark cherry color, has a small diameter. As a rule, does not need treatment, the provoking factors of angioma are not clear.

The epidermoid cyst

It is a kind of subcutaneous "bag" that occurs at the point of location of the hair follicles. The cyst is usually localized on the back and chest, sometimes on the genitals.

Inflammation of the lymph node

With infectious pathologies, external skin damage, complicated by bacterial flora, there is inflammation of the axillary, cervical, inguinal, submandibular lymph nodes.


Neoplasms look like white small ulcers under the skin. Around the hair follicles there is a red areol of the eye, indicating the irritation of the epidermis.

Mechanical injuries

Fractures, bruises, punctures, injections and surgical interventions can provoke the temporary appearance of dense, painless nodes under the skin. Over time, they disappear on their own.

Seal in the form of a ball on the arm

Let's consider the reasons of appearance of considered new formations on the upper extremities.


It consists exclusively of the connective tissue of the fibrous structure. The dense bead has a reddish-brown hue, noticeably rises above the skin, almost painless.


It is a pathological growth of soft tissue. It is felt as a motionless fleshy lump, it can be located in deep dermal layers. Neurofibroma is dangerous because it can develop into cancer.


It is localized on the joints of the hands and wrists. Neoplasm is prone to increase in size, although it does not bring unpleasant sensations. It is easily palpated, has a dense, "jelly" consistency.

Seal under the skin in the form of a ball on the face

Almost in 100% of cases of such complaints the dermatologist diagnoses miliums or просянки. They arise because of the accumulation and congealing of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Such secretions can not come out, forming small round eruptions, located near the eyelids, nose or cheekbones, less often - on the chin, cheeks, forehead.

Sometimes the cause of the symptom in question is the cyst. Usually it is localized in the oral cavity and looks like a seal in the lip or cheek in the form of a ball. Also, cysts can appear in the scalp, eyebrows and near the ears.

Why does the seal appear as a ball on the leg?

This clinical phenomenon is characteristic, mainly, of women. It occurs due to several factors.

Wearing unsuitable, uncomfortable shoes

Beautiful, but tight shoes provoke a violation of blood circulation and damage to the joints. As a result, deposition occurs Salts, which looks like a round subcutaneous growth.

Varicose veins

In those places where the walls of the dilated veins are particularly weak, thick blood accumulates and stagnates, forming a soft and moving ball of a bluish-violet hue.

Nodal erythema

It is an inflammation of small vessels and fatty tissue. In medicine it is not considered an independent disease, but a symptom of one of the varieties of hemorrhagic vasculitis .