Salo is good and bad

Many products are quite controversial in terms of dietology. Salo, the benefit and harm of which stem from its almost 100% fat content, is difficult to attribute uniquely to the category of important or useless products. To better understand what is worth using, or better still to abstain, we offer you a selection of observations on the effect of this product on the body.

Harm and benefit of lard

Pork bacon has been popular for a long time. It is used as fat for frying, snacks and sandwiches. However, in recent years, interest in this product has begun to decline, since the human appearance is of great importance in the modern world, and the use of fat often leads to weight gain.

Indeed, 100 g of fat accounts for almost 800 kcal. This is one of the most high-calorie foods, and it is strictly contraindicated for obesity and excess weight . However, if these problems are far from you, sometimes you can afford a few slices of fat.

The belief that fat is fattening is only half true: in fact a small amount of fat, and even against the background of a light diet, will not lead to the formation of extra pounds. But if there is it in fairly large quantities and with enviable constancy, then the risk of getting better is really high.

It is considered to be a heavy diet, however, this is true only for those people who have problems with the pancreas, gall bladder, liver or gastrointestinal tract. For a healthy person, lard is a source of well-assimilated fats.

Many people consider fat to be harmful only from the fact that it is practically pure fat. However, it is this composition that makes this product truly useful, because it will retain a large number of polyunsaturated acids, which are useful for the human body. For people with low immunity, lard is a recommended product, because it contains a lot of minerals, as well as vitamins A , E and D, thanks to which it is possible to significantly strengthen the body's defense.

As can be seen from the above facts, the benefits and harms of salted fats often go hand in hand. Therefore, the recommendations for him are very simple: use it infrequently and all in a couple of three slices. From such a careful application, this product will only benefit you.

Harm to smoked bacon

It's no secret that all smoked products are difficult to digest, and therefore banned in healthy nutrition. Smoked bacon is no exception! In addition, when smoking today, many chemical additives are used, because of which the product loses its usefulness and is filled with harmful substances. It is rather difficult to discuss the benefits and harms of smoked bacon, because of the positive aspects in it, except that only a pleasant taste. If you appreciate a fat, it is better to eat it in a classic, salty form.

Benefits and harm of raw fat after frying

Raw fat is often used for frying, to heat fat for cooking or to cook cracklings. However, as it is easy to guess, in the process of aggressive heat treatment, lard loses useful properties and is filled with carcinogens. However, almost any vegetable oil behaves in a similar way. Therefore, if you want to make lard in a frying pan, melt it at a low temperature, and lightly, and not to the state of squall. Such a product will be easy to digest and will not harm your health. Contrary to popular belief, lard perfectly matches with bread, and in such a combination, these two products are easily absorbed by the body. The main thing is to know the measure in everything, and then practically any products can be included with care, and gradually included in your diet.