Laughter prolongs life

Does the laughter prolong life? Scientists have long proven that the fact that laughter prolongs a person's life is true. To date, the useful influence of a smile and laughter on the human body has been established.

Let's talk about why laughter prolongs life. It turns out that a person during a fun increases the flow of blood, and brain cells get more oxygen. Due to this there is a process that improves blood circulation, eliminates fatigue and produces endorphin, a hormone of joy and happiness.

How much laughter prolongs life?

One minute of laughter prolongs human life for 15 minutes. Thus, five minutes of laughter will prolong your life for almost an hour. Researchers also note the fact that those people who often laugh, even more quickly recover. The immune system of optimists is most stress-resistant, and substances capable of blocking pain are also produced. Remember that stress can reduce your life even for tens of years, so try to get rid of the negative as quickly as possible.

A great alternative to plastic surgery is laughter therapy and a healthy lifestyle . During laughter, almost 80 facial muscles work, and laughter is a massage. It also tones up facial muscles, blood rushes and thus, women retain a beautiful complexion and youthful skin. Laughter is an assistant to your digestive organs and breathing. Laughter helps even those people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

A smile helps us to improve our mood, this is a positive emotion. The views of the person after the fun become easier and more positive. Laughter is a healer of the soul, the elixir of youth and the secret of longevity. So never hide a smile!

There are many ways to improve your mood - good movies, the joy of communicating with others, the child's smile, pleasant surprises, sunny weather - look for fun in everything.

If you have serious problems or problems and you can not handle it yourself, then try to contact a good psychotherapist - he will be able to tell you how to get rid of depression and together with you try to find a way out of the situation. Self-analysis can also help you.

Also, laughter will help you at work and at school, try to treat difficulties more easily. Remember that with fun and positive people, it's more pleasant to communicate. And your boss will appreciate a more positive subordinate, because it's nice to work with such people.

Sleep, laughter and invigorating sex

Everyone dreams of a happy and quiet old age and good health. Laughter, sleep and quality sex will help you prolong life.

On average, a person needs 8 hours of sleep per day. If you follow this rule, then you can extend your life for ten years. But an important condition - a dream should be strong and pleasant. Awakening should be unhurried.

For potential long-livers, sex is as important as sleep. Regular lovemaking with your regular partner will extend your life for 3 to 5 years, and this is a serious reason to think about the fact that daily sex is not only possible but also necessary!

Do not forget that the secret of longevity lies in the totality of your actions. It is also necessary to monitor your health. Your weight should be normal, your teeth and mouth need regular care.

In addition, scientists recommend introducing into their diet products containing hormones of pleasure, so try to constantly eat chocolate and tomatoes. These products also contribute to longevity.