The theory of strings and hidden dimensions of the universe is proof of existence

Science is an immense sphere and a huge amount of research and discovery is carried out daily, while it should be noted that some theories seem to be interesting, but they do not have real confirmations and, as it were, "hang in the air."

What is string theory?

A physical theory that represents particles in the form of vibration is called string theory. These waves have only one parameter - longitude, and height and width are absent. Finding out that this is string theory, one should consider the basic hypotheses that she describes.

  1. It is assumed that everything around consists of threads that vibrate, and energy membranes.
  2. Attempts to unite the general theory of relativity and quantum physics.
  3. The theory of strings gives a chance to unite all the fundamental forces of the universe.
  4. Predicts a symmetric connection between different types of particles: bosons and fermions.
  5. It gives a chance to describe and imagine the dimensions of the universe that were not previously observed.

String theory - who discovered?

The presented hypothesis does not have one author who suggested it and began to develop it, since a huge number of people took part in the work at different stages.

  1. For the first time in 1960, quantum string theory was created to explain the phenomenon in hadronic physics. At this time it was developed: G. Veneziano, L. Susskind, T. Goto and others.
  2. He described what string theory, scientist D. Schwartz, J. Sherk and T. Ene, as they developed the hypothesis of bosonic strings, but it happened in 10 years.
  3. In 1980, two scientists: M. Greene and D. Schwartz singled out the theory of superstrings, which possessed unique symmetries.
  4. Studies of the proposed hypothesis are carried out to this day, but it has not yet been possible to prove it.

String theory - philosophy

There is a philosophical direction that has a connection with string theory, and is called its monad. It involves the use of symbols in order to compact any amount of information. The monad and string theory in philosophy use opposites and dualities. The most popular simple symbol of the monad is Yin-Yan. Specialists proposed to depict string theory on a volumetric rather than flat monad, and then the strings will be a reality, although they are long and will be scanty.

If a volumetric monad is used, then the line dividing Yin-Yang will be a plane, and using a multidimensional monad, a coiled volume is obtained. While there is no work on the philosophy of multidimensional monads - this is a field for studying in the future. Philosophers believe that cognition is an endless process and when trying to create a single model of the universe, a person will more than once be surprised and change his basic concepts.

Disadvantages of string theory

Since the hypothesis proposed by a number of scientists is unconfirmed, it is quite understandable that there are a number of problems that indicate the need for its revision.

  1. It has a string theory of delusion, for example, a new type of particle, tachyons, was discovered in the calculations, but they can not exist in nature, since the square of their mass is less than zero, and the speed of movement is greater than the speed of light.
  2. String theory can exist only in a ten-dimensional space, but then the actual question is - why does not a person perceive other dimensions?

String theory - proof

The two main physical conventions on which scientific evidence is based are in fact opposed to each other, since they differently represent the structure of the universe at the micro level. To try them on, the theory of cosmic strings was proposed. In many respects, it looks authentic and not only in words, but also in mathematical calculations, but today the person does not have the opportunity to practically prove it. If the strings exist, they are at a microscopic level, and so far there is no technical capability to recognize them.

String theory and God

The famous theoretical physicist M. Kaku proposed a theory in which he uses the string hypothesis to prove the existence of the Lord. He came to the conclusion that everything in the world operates according to certain laws and rules established by a single Reason. According to Kaku string theory and hidden dimensions of the universe will help create an equation that unites all the forces of nature and allows understanding the mind of God. The emphasis of his hypothesis he makes on particles of tachyons, which move faster than light. Einstein also said that if you find such parts, you can move the time back.

After conducting a series of experiments, Kaku concluded that human life is governed by stable laws, and does not react to cosmic randomness. The theory of strings in life exists, and it is connected with an unknown force that controls life and makes it whole. In his opinion, this is the Lord God . Kaku is sure that the universe is a vibrating string that comes from the mind of the Almighty.